Solids on demand Carlos González
Energy needs (kcal/day) month FAO/WHO /UNU 1985 WHO/ UNICEF 1988 Butte
Energy needs (± 2 SD) Age (mo.)boysgirls Butte, NF. et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;72:
Joan’s history (14 m) “Not enough weight” Blood tests (normals) “Cow’s milk allergy”, hidrolysed “Force him”. Ciproheptadine Vomiting. “GER”. Omeprazole Mother depressed
Vitamin C needs (mg/day) 9-11 mo mo. UK RNI USA DRI FAO/WHO
Andrés’ history Premature 24 w. Age 4 y 3 mo “My son has never eaten, always purée and by force, but since one year agoy we cannot even force him; he eats purée by tube.”
Andrés’ history “His health is perfect, he walks and runs, climbs and descends stairs. He is a happy child, he plays and laughs a lot.”
Mandel, D. et al. Pediatrics 2005;116:e432-e435 Breast milk energy Age (months ) Kcal/100 ml 74,3 88,1
Energy, kcal / 100 g Boiled potato65 Apple52 Boiled carrot 27 Vegetables with meat50 (homemade) Breast milk70
Education, not nutrition
Never, never force a child to eat Never!
But, then, he won’t eat any food he dislikes! Just so!