Students– to national public health services TASHKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY General and radiation hygieneDEPARTMENT
O’quv mashg’uloti maqsadi: Aholida sog’lom hayot tarzini shakllantirishga doir ishlar UASh faoliyatining muhim bir qismi xisoblanadi. Vrach aholini sog’lom turmush tarzi elementlariga o’rgatishi shart, u kasalliklarning birlamchi profilaktikasiga qaratilgan bo’lib bu yo’naishdagi eng samarra beradigan ob’ektlar qatoriga uyushgan jamoalar xisoblanib, ular ichida tez o’zlashtirib oladigan kontingent bolalar va o’smirlardir. Shuning uchun UASh bunday ishlarni bajarishi uchun kerakli materiallarni to’play olishi va bevosita uyushgan jamoa a’zolari o’rtasida (maktabgacha bo’lgan bolalar muassasalari, maktablar (litsey va kolledjlar), yotoqhonalarda o’tkazilishi kerak. The employment plan: A seminar - conceptabout a healthy way of life and the basic components of healthy life style Preparation of materials on carrying out of work among the population Work carrying out on formation of bases of a healthy way of life in the organised children's collectives (school, lyceum, college)
Pedagogik vazifalar : - talabalarni aholi o’rtasida profilaktik ishlarni o’tkazishga javobgarlik xissiyotini shakllantirish ; - talabalarni ana shunday ishlarni o’tkazish uchun aholining ma’lum qismi (kontingenti) ga o’rgatish uchun tayyorlash; -talabalarni bevosita uyushgan jamoalarda sog’lom turmush tarzi elementlarini shakllantirish bo’yicha ishlarni o’tkazishga o’rgatish; -talabalar eruditsiyasini oshirish. Pedagogical problems: To concept «a healthy way of life» 2. To ability to inform to the ordinary inhabitant the information under the characteristic of basic elements of a healthy way of life: - A balanced diet - Hygiene of dwelling - A rational day regimen, work and rest - Basic elements of personal hygiene - Hygiene of clothes and footwear - scenarios an organism - Physical culture and sports as health factors - Refusal of bad habits - Questions of psychohygiene for various groups of the population
On termination of training students should know - Concept about a healthy way of life - Hygienic requirements to the organisation of a mode of work and rest - Hygienic requirements to a balanced diet - Questions of hygiene of dwelling - Questions of personal hygiene - Requirements to carrying out of tempered - Physical culture and sports as elements HLS - Consequences of bad habits - Psychohygiene questions
On termination of training students should be able To work with textbooks and the scientific literature on preparation of materials of the educational character concerning questions of a healthy way of life To adapt medical knowledge with reference to population contingents with which work carrying out is supposed To spend educational work with the population on formation of bases of a healthy way of life
An introduction (adjusting) part One of the major problems of the general practitioner is work on formation at the population of bases of a healthy way of life. Each person should have at least is minimum necessary knowledge that the person for preservation of the health can make, i.e. have concept about HLS, its basic elements and the maintenance of each of these elements The student 7 courses finishing training at institute, should be informed that such HLS, it develops of what elements and as each concrete person can provide itself performance of these elements (lecture!).
It is necessary to mean that level of sanitary culture of the population in republic is lowest, work in this direction is conducted insufficiently effectively, therefore GP should know that formation at the population knowledge and a sense of responsibility for own health should become an element of its daily work.
The most fertile contingent of the population well acquiring bases HLS, children and teenagers are, therefore children's and teenage contingents should be the basic contingents for work GP in this direction. Such work can be spent in the form of interview, lessons of health, evident employment, evenings of questions and answers and so forth Confidential meetings with children and teenagers are given even by more notable effect, than films or other video production in which there is no the major element – possibilities of mutual contacts and feedback.
At carrying out of work with children and teenagers it is necessary to remember its following main principles: The information should concern this or that element of HLS The information should be accessible to a corresponding contingent Work should be spent so that to interest children, to involve them in discussion, to force to believe that considered element of HLS really will help to keep health
Selection of corresponding materials for a theme and their adaptation to a planned contingent should be the first stage of preparation for work with children and teenagers. Textbooks, materials of sanitary education, original articles can be for this purpose used. Now materials such can be found in a network of Iternet, however it is necessary to concern such materials with some vigilance for it is frequent they are brought in the Internet by the people far from medicine, and can contain the information which is not corresponding to positions officially accepted in medicine.
It is necessary to state the collected materials language accessible to children, having kept thus their basic sense allowing full enough to characterise this or that element of HLS. In such information should be shined: -Concept about considered element of HLS -A role of this element for preservation of health of the person -- The major hygienic requirements to considered element HLS
Materials should be calculated on short enough time interval (15-20 mines) since features of nervous system of children are that that at longer contact children distract, switchedto another matters, and overall performance falls.
“R OUND TABLE " METHOD Method to control the students' knowledge, the first material can be used for strengthening. The group into small groups of 2-3 divided into distributed leaflets written questions, and each small group of students, for 1-2 minutes a written response to the question, and this data sheet to the other group of students and their pages given the task to answer the question and etc. Thus, a small group of 6 (one table 2 students), each page must be from 6 to answer the question.
12 minutes after the gathering of teachers distributed the pages, and each page read aloud the answers, and depending on the answer right or wrong answer to a small group of students in grades. To facilitate the work of each numbered with a small group of numbers, so much easier to put them in accordance with the answer. Which group of students will receive 6 points if the correct answer to the question, 4 or 5 per correct answer to the question of the "best", 3 gave the correct answer to the question "satisfactory" 3 less than the correct answer to the question "unsatisfactory" rating is placed.
P ROPOSED QUESTIONS OPTION : 1. Human health depends on what? 2. What is a healthy lifestyle, explain: 3. What should be the HLS: 4. What are the advantages HLS: 5. HLS the implementation of the CG function: 6. Ibn Sina teaching the principles of a healthy lifestyle
G RAPHICS C ALENDAR : D IVISION MANAGEMENT Division (burning, dressings) dynamically create a map of all structures to facilitate decentralization and to determine the nature of some ideas around a main factor in the collection. Accelerates the activation of knowledge. The process of thinking on the topic in a new relationship of mutual idea of free and open to attract help.
T HE ELEMENTS OF A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE HLS family planning Correct (health) nutrition. physical education, doing sports.. To comply with the rules of personal hygiene.. Give up bad habits.
I NDEPENDENT WORK After consideration of the adjusting moments and a substantial part to teach defines the task for independent work of students: 1. To prepare materials on one of the following elements of HLS: - Value for health of a mode of work and rest - Value for balanced diet health - Hygiene of dwelling - Personal hygiene -Tempering as element of HLS - Physical culture and sports as elements of HLS - Bad habits and their consequences - Psychohygiene of the schoolboy
C ORRECT ( HEALTH ) NUTRITION Protein-rich foods: aforementioned meat, beef liver, tongue, fish and egg products as well as cow's milk (1-2 cup of milk every day, sipping his wine- sipping his drink is recommended)
Active in the movement to follow. physical education, doing sports.
Personal and general hygiene rules to follow: in the morning, after bathroom, after breakfast and in the evening before going to sleep teeth cleaning, hand washing with soap before meals.
-To comply with the order of the day, morning enforcement. - Morning exercise for 7-10 minutes, depending on the opportunity, to walk in the fresh air.
To eliminate harmful to health habits: smoking, alcohol consumption, drug waiver of such tendencies.
Q UESTIONS FOR CONTROL OF INITIAL LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE OF STUDENTS : 1.Role of GP in education of bases HLS of the population2.Concept about a healthy way of life and its role in preventive maintenance of diseases3.Hygienic requirements to the organisation of a mode of work and rest4.Hygienic requirements to a balanced diet5.Hygiene of dwelling6.Basic elements of personal hygiene7.Physical culture and sports as elements of HLS8.Bad habits and their consequences9.Hygienic requirements to carrying out of tempering10.The basic concepts in the field of psychohygiene