The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women n Founded: June 21, 1946 n A Council of Promoters for Women’s Rights n Established as a function of the Economic and Social Council by resolution11 n Promotes the Principle that men and women should have equal rights in political, social and economical fields
The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women n International Members African States13 Asian States11 Eastern Europe4 Latin America/Caribbean9 Western Europe8
The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of the Discrimination Against Women n Founded: September 3, 1981 n Convention of Representatives from each Member State n Established by the General Assembly of the United Nations n Promotes Equality of Rights for Men and Women n Members: As of September 27, 1999, 163 Countries have Ratified CEDAW
CEDAW n Objectives of CEDAW: To embody the principal of the equality of men and women To adopt appropriate legislation and measures prohibiting discrimination against women To establish legal protection of the rights of women on an equal basis with men
United Nations Development Fund for Women n Founded: 1976 n UNIFEM is an organization adopted under United Nations n An international force to insure women’s rights Promotes women’s empowerment Works toward gender equality Ensures women’s place within decision making groups Focus on creating a multilateral policy on women’s empowerment
UNIFEM n Who was involved? All contracting countries within the UN There are twelve regional program advisors that oversee country projects and identify trends and issues that are affecting women Why is it significant? UNIFEM is an international police force for women’s issues
Mexico City Conference n Founded: 1975 n Conference to inaugurate the United Nations decade for women ( ) n There were 133 governments who attended the conference
Mexico City Conference n Why was it significant? First UN conference that focused solely on women's issues Created the world plan for action for the implementation of the the objectives of the women's decade Concentrated on the problems from food, health, education, family planning, and political participation