What are 3 specific ways that women’s rights and position in the community can be strengthened?(3) Microcredit Democracy/ decision- making at home, work, society Primary education Women’s and property rights Enforce CEDAW
Why are property rights important for farmers? (1) Feel secure enough in their ownership of the land to make long- term INVESTMENTS to improve the land
Countries that are Economically diverse / have manufacturing (1) are less dependent on the money that comes from exporting their food, animals, and other natural resources (primary commodities).
What are 3 things that are true of educated women? (3) Have Fewer Children Less Disease (HIV/AIDS) Less Poverty Care for their children better Get Medical Help Sooner
What are 3 things that can be done to reduce child mortality? (3) Better maternal health Better reproductive health Vitamins Clean Water Nets against mosquitos / maleria Better health care
According to what we read about the MDGS, development is freedom from what 3 things? (3) Misery Suffering Hunger Illiteracy Disease Poor housing
According to what we read about the MDGS, poverty is about the absence of what 3 things? (1) Respect Dignity Choice
What are a few reasons why democracy is important for sustainable development? (1) Fight corruption among political and economic elites Help the poor use natural resources in better ways – they’re the ones who rely most on them
Fighting prejudice and taboos is especially important for which MDG? Why? (1) Goal 6, Fighting Disease, because people are afraid to get care and talk about HIV/AIDs and other diseases
What are 3 primary responsibilities of poor countries in order to develop a global partnership?(3) Fight corruption and increase accountability More work for young people Involve ALL from civil society and the poor in decisionmaking Adequate resources for public services for ALL citiziens