Music Vocabulary Review Created By: Robert Morton Length of Presentation: Approx 10 minutes Grade Level: 5-8 Class: General Music For Students For Teachers
Directions: 1. Click on term button to go to the list of terms and their respective definition. 2. When you are ready to take the quiz, click on the “Take Quiz” button. 3. Have fun! List of Terms
Teachers This power point is to help students with some basic music vocabulary. The student is to go through the vocabulary and then take a short quiz to test what they have learned. Standards Vocabulary List Source of Information
Fermata Time Signature Dynamics Key Signature Take Quiz ClefTempo Markings
Fermata Back to List A Fermata is a notation that is found over a note or rest and is meant to hold the note or rest for however long the conductor sees fit. Fermata
Clefs Back to List Clefs determine where the notes are indicated on the lines and spaces within the staff. Treble Clef Bass Clef
Dynamics Back to List Dynamics are the markings that determine how loud or soft a performer should play or sing. The markings use the letters m, p, and f to decide on loudness. (p=piano=soft, m=mezzo=medium, f=forte=loud) mf ff p mp f pp
Tempo Markings Back to List Tempo markings determine the speed of a piece of music. =60 Moderato
Time Signature Back to List The time signature determines how many beats are in a measure and what note gets the beat =number of beats per measure 4=note that is equal to one beat (in this case the quarter note)
Key Signature Back to List Key signatures are the number of sharps and flats within a piece of music and designates the piece’s designation.
Standards This Power Point is corresponds to the following state and national standards: Ohio Content Standards for Music: Standard 3, Benchmark A Ohio Technology Standards: Standard 3, Benchmark B National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers: Standard 3, Benchmark C Links
Source The definitions are from the Virginia Tech Multimedia Music Dictionary National Education Technology Standards for Teachers NETS*T Ohio Academic Content Standards
1. What is the term for the number of sharps or flats in a musical piece that designates the piece’s intonation? A.Key SignatureKey Signature B.Time SignatureTime Signature C.ClefClef D.FermataFermata
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