Accommodation & Hospitality Services Ops Team 1 Staff meeting 26 th February 2015 Please sign both attendance lists
Accommodation & Hospitality Services News Environment HR Health & Safety Star Awards Stress Awareness AOB Agenda
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Vacancies Domestic Assistant – 4x27.5h, 1x37.5h Training Volunteers needed for STM training Staff Claire Marr has been elected as a Member of Council News
Accommodation & Hospitality Services News To book your free lunch and a place on the joint Equality Forum please by 12 March or phone Please confirm your dietary and access needs when you book.
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Campus Travel Updates Over the next few weeks you’ll find an update each Friday on what's expected in the coming week. This week we have the following: Midland Bridge is now partially closed. Weds – Departmental Open Days will mean restricted parking on campus. Sun – various road closures for Bath Half Marathon. News
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Campus Travel Updates A36 closes between Claverton and Dundas: 2 Mar-16 Jun 2015 News
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Campus Travel Updates Ralph Allen Drive – mini roundabout :16 Feb - 16 Mar 2015 News
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Environment
Accommodation & Hospitality Services ISO Well Done Everyone !!! We have maintained the standard
HR Accommodation & Hospitality Services
Annual Leave A maximum total of 12 days over summer period. Any holiday request for taking more than 10 days will require a letter to Team Leader. This is to ensure everybody has an equal chance to have annual leave over summer period. Managers will then review these requests and approve annual leave wherever possible. Where, due to holiday requests, staffing levels would be too low we would encourage teams to discuss it collectively with their managers and find a resolution. If that is not possible, managers would make a decision based on the circumstances of the situation. Included in this would be how annual leave over previous peak periods was allocated.
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Hot Spots th – 19 th June 14 th – 18 th September
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Weekend Working Please ensure to complete by 13 th March 2015
. Accommodation & Hospitality Services Breaks Any staff taking smoking breaks must use the designated smoking areas and must take these breaks as part of their break times Any staff taking lunch break outside designated staff tea rooms must sign in and out
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Team Members who have been commended by students in Exit Survey 2014 Anne Bampfylde Wendy Brooke Debbie Escott Chris Hall Marlene Hinge Mateusz Kotowski Claire Marr Anna Milczarek Rachel Morton Artur Swiderski Wendy Sowden Ann Tadd Rachel Taylor
Accommodation & Hospitality Services STAR Awards
Accommodation & Hospitality Services The current quarter runs until the 1st of April, so please get nominating! The successful nominations will be announced at the next Let's Talks, week commencing 13th April, so we hope to see you all there. STAR Post Box Locations Marlborough & Solsbury tea room Eastwood 20/21 kitchen Brendon Court housekeeper’s office Westwood tea room WAC staff area EAC (Woodland Court) kitchen Eastwood housekeeping tea room Damson Quad level STAR Awards
Health and Safety Accommodation & Hospitality Services
Accident & Incident Reporting
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Accident, Incident or Near Miss? An accident The HSE define an accident as “any unplanned event that resulted in injury or ill health of people, or damage or loss to property, plant, materials or the environment or a loss of business opportunity”. Example: A window cleaner dropping a bucket from a height, which caused injury to a person underneath A “near-miss” incident A “near-miss” incident can be defined as, “any event, which under slightly different circumstances, may have resulted in injury or ill health of people, or damage or loss to property, plant, materials or the environment or a loss of business opportunity”. Example: A window cleaner dropping a bucket from a height, which just missed a person standing underneath Dangerous occurrence A dangerous occurrence can be defined as, “any incident that has a high potential to cause death or serious injury” and are specified by the Reporting of Incidents, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995.
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Did this get reported?
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Our Reports JanFebMarAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDec Accidents Accidents Accident RIDDOR RIDDOR Environmental Environmental
Accommodation & Hospitality Services What Must We Do? Record all accidents to employees and visitors. Monitor accidents. Identify trends and implement new procedures if necessary. Report to RIDDOR or possibly HSE. Provide clear guidelines on incident reporting and inform staff on the first day of their employment. What Must You Do? Co-operate with your employer by reporting all accidents/incidents and near misses
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Report ALL health and safety ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS & NEAR MISSES to your supervisor or via the RED BUTTON. Remember: Today’s near miss could be tomorrow’s accident
Accommodation & Hospitality Services
Stress Awareness Questionnaire
Accommodation & Hospitality Services Stress Awareness Questionnaire
Accommodation & Hospitality Services AOB