物質厚さの考察(手始め) エネルギー損失 – 物質の Stopping power, density, thickness に依る。 – 陽電子の運動量 (10-250MeV/c の領域 ) に大きく依存 しない。 – 大体、 5MeV/cm (Al), 2.5MeV/cm (Polycarbonate) 多重散乱 – 物質の Radiation length, density, thickness に依る。 – 陽電子の運動量 (10-250MeV/c の領域 ) に大きく依存。 – 大体、 200MeV/c 陽電子で 20mrad/cm (Al), 10mrad/cm (Polycarbonate) ラフな手計算と GEANT4 が一致
= 391 at 200MeV/c =97.8 at 10MeV/c 2MeV cm 2 /g (Particle data book の Stopping power の図より ) Al density = g/cm 3 Energy loss in Al 5.4 MeV/cm GEANT4 Energy loss through Aluminum
= 391 at 200MeV/c =97.8 at 10MeV/c 2MeV cm 2 /g (Particle data book の Stopping power の図より ) Lexan density = 1.20 g/cm 3 Energy loss in Lexan 2.4 MeV/cm Peak at 2MeV Energy loss through Polycarbonate (Lexan) GEANT4
X 0 = [g/cm 2 ] / [g/cm 3 ] x =1, p=200 0 = 20[mrad] consistent with GEANT4 20mrad Multiple scattering through Aluminum GEANT4
Multiple scattering through Polycarbonate X 0 = [g/cm 2 ] / 1.2 [g/cm 3 ] x =1, p=200 0 = 9.9[mrad] Consistent with GEANT4 10mrad GEANT4