Multitouch and Collision Detection MOBILE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT
2 Contents Multipoint Rotations Point in Polygon Algorithm Readings
3 Multipoint Rotation Simple Idea: easy to get 1 or more points from touch screen Get points Calculate angle between points Rotate object / shape based on calculated angle Rotate actual points instead of bitmap Linear equations: slope, + little bit of trigonometry
4 Multipoint Rotation Recall slope m of a graph is Recall Use arctan (inverse tan) to determine angle theta Rotate object by that angle
5 Point in Polygon Want to determine whether x,y point is inside a closed polygon
6 Point in Polygon Can use ray casting algorithm – go right or left OR bottom to top If odd number of intersections then point is inside If even number of intersections then point is outside
7 Point in Polygon Also works for complicated cases Can be minor precision issues with floating point numbers Need to use Maths to calculate Polygon must be closed
8 Algorithm Consider polygon segment by segment Use linear equations Origin point (0,0) starts at the top left corner of screen Find out if point is on the inside of the polygon Does line segment intersect ray cast from point? Do this for all polygon segments
9 Point must be in range x 1, y 1 - x 2, y 2
10 Point must be in range x 1, y 1 - x 2, y 2
11 Does line segment intersect ray? See lecture notes below if you want to understand maths behind it
12 Resources Point in Polygon tric.pdf tric.pdf