An Eggstraordinary Adventure... Communication, language and literacy To show an understanding of how information can be found in non-fiction texts to answer.


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Presentation transcript:

An Eggstraordinary Adventure... Communication, language and literacy To show an understanding of how information can be found in non-fiction texts to answer questions. To attempt writing for different purposes, writing labels and captions and beginning to form simple sentences. To explore the Chinese New Year stories though drama. Y1: To distinguish between fiction and non-fiction texts and the different purposes for reading them. Y1:To convey information in non –narrative forms. Y1:To independently choose what to write about, plan and follow it through. Mathematical Development To use language such as greater, smaller, heavier or lighter to compare quantities Y1:To estimate and measure length, mass and capacity. To recognise numerals to at least 9 and know that numbers identify how many objects are in a set Y1: To compare and order numbers. To count reliably up to 10 objects Y1: to read and write numerals to 20 and beyond and be able to position these correctly on a number track or line. To sort objects to identify similarities and differences. Y1: To solve problems (using counting) that involve money, shapes, space and measures. To begin to relate addition to combining two groups of objects, and subtraction to taking away Y1: to add and subtract, using symbols. Exploring and investigating To investigate objects and materials and ask questions about why things happen and how things work. Y1: To learn about light and dark through exploring light sources and shadows. Y1: To learn that light is essential for seeing things, and to explore reflections through shiny materials. Y1: To know that the sun is the source of light for Earth. Y1: To ask questions about light. To explore the techniques of papier mache, clay modelling and collage to create 3-D art works. To develop our drawing and painting techniques when creating 2-D artworks. Creative Development To use their singing voices to explore the musical concepts of dynamics, pitch, timbre, and texture. To explore rhythm and pulse. Personal Social and Emotional Development To develop an understanding of what helps them learn, and what their strengths are. To set realistic goals for themselves and plan for how they will achieve them. To develop their powers of persistence when working on a task. Physical Development To move with confidence and imagination. To move with control and co-ordination, showing an awareness of space, themselves and others. To create and repeat short dances from a prompt (Chinese Dragon Dance). Communities To have an awareness of and show interest in cultural and religious differences through learning about the Chinese New Year. Wren and Chaffinch Class Spring 1 Time To begin to differentiate between past and present. To use time related words in conversation. Y1: To use the language of time, to order events chronologically. Y1: To learn about how we find out about the past (in particular through archaeology). Some mysterious eggs are discovered and set the children off on a journey of discovery... Wren and Chaffinch classes will be learning….. ICT To exchange and share information. Y1: To use the internet safely to find out information about our interests (BBC websites) To collect data, and make a pictogram from it (2graph) To read a pictogram. To use graphics and text to record information (Textease).