Update on GEO-related programmes managed by DG INFSO Dr. Michel Schouppe European Commission Information Society & Media Directorate-General Unit H4 - ICT for Sustainable Growth
The ICT Theme - To enable Europe to master and shape the future developments of ICT so that the demands of its society and economy are met The GEANT & eInfrastructure programme - To support European e-Infrastructures and to make Europe attractive for the development of virtual research communities. The ICT Policy Support Programme to stimulate the wider uptake and best use of ICT by citizens, governments and businesses The Information Society and Media Directorate General The Information Society and Media Directorate General “Supports the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for the benefit of all citizens” Typical programmes of relevance to GEO:
FP7 Cooperation Themes Source: Competitiveness Council 24 July M€ (Total budget: M€)
Sensor Web Concept (OpenGIS® White Paper) ICT for Environmental Management ICT for Environmental Management Strategy (1/3) – Smart Monitoring Towards a dynamic management of heterogeneous sensor networks for full situation awareness
The role of the Sensor Web Enablement framework (OpenGIS® White Paper, M. Botts, 2004) Towards dynamic data flows from monitoring to reporting, alert and response ICT for Environmental Management ICT for Environmental Management Strategy (2/3) – Collaborative Information Systems
… Other servers … WCS (e.g. Spot, NASA) WMS (Producer-B, Vendor-2) WFS (Producer-n, Vendor-x) Internet Interfaces Service chaining creates value-added products Client Source: InterRisk Environment, by Spacebel (BE) Towards on-demand access to and chaining of services on the Web ICT for Environmental Management ICT for Environmental Management Strategy (3/3) – Dynamic Chaining of Services
SISE vision: ICT research and deployment to build a Single Information Space in Europe for the Environment Tools and systems enabling a collaborative “Information Space” on the Web Where users plug in their own use cases Requires a transparent backend system of systems Allowing ad hoc, on demand service chaining More than measurements and data exchange Service #1 Service #2 Service #3 Service #4 Service #n o.s. backup Map of the Internet at coarse grained level (courtesy Yuval Shavitt & Eran Shir) EVERGROW ( is funded by the FP7-FET programmewww.evergrow.org ORCHESTRA ( is funded by the FP7-ICT programme
Towards a GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems)
Tasks AR & AR Strategic and tactical guidance documents on how to converge disparate systems to a higher degree of collaboration and interoperability Contribution to implementation pilots Task DA Development, availability and harmonisation of data, metadata and products commonly required across diverse SBAs Task DA Development of scenarios or use cases that demonstrate the value of Sensor Webs to the GEOSS SBAs Examples of contributions to GEO ADC activities
Cluster workshops to exchange best practices
GIGAS: an Action in Support to the GEOSS, INSPIRE and GMES Coherent and interoperable development of these initiatives Concerted adoption of standards, protocols, and open architectures. Recommendations to increase architectural coherence Strengthened EU contribution to international standardisation Agenda for further strategic research … contributions to a European SIF
The ICT Theme - To enable Europe to master and shape the future developments of ICT so that the demands of its society and economy are met The GEANT & eInfrastructure programme - To support European e-Infrastructures and to make Europe attractive for the development of virtual research communities. The ICT Policy Support Programme to stimulate the wider uptake and best use of ICT by citizens, governments and businesses Typical programmes of relevance to GEO
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Global challenges with high societal impact Data deluge… born digital material… virtual-labs Cross-disciplinarity Spread of skills and competences Complexity of challenges empirical experimental theoretical computational science e-Science Global Virtual Research Communities
Linking the ideas at the speed of the light: GÉANT Accessing knowledge: scientific data Innovating the scientific process: global virtual research communities Designing future facilities: novel e-Infrastructures Sharing the best resources: e-Science grid
Pan-European coverage (40+ countries, 3900 universities 30+ million students) Hybrid architecture: connectivity at 10 Gb/s dark fiber wavelengths Global reach Basic infrastructure to efficiently and globally serve the connectivity needs of the GEO community GEANT has now applied for GEO membership!
EGEE DEISA DRIVER GÉANT network grids data generic e-Infrastructure… user communities involvement neuGRID EUFORIA D4SCIENCE ETSF IMPACT METAFOR EuroVO-AIDA GENESI-DR FEDERICA EVALSO
The ICT Theme - To enable Europe to master and shape the future developments of ICT so that the demands of its society and economy are met The GEANT & eInfrastructure programme - To support European e-Infrastructures and to make Europe attractive for the development of virtual research communities. The ICT Policy Support Programme to stimulate the wider uptake and best use of ICT by citizens, governments and businesses Typical programmes of relevance to GEO
ICT Policy Support programme ~730 M€ Competitiveness & Innovation Programme: CIP Competitiveness & Innovation Programme: CIP CIP: New programme to boost growth and jobs in Europe Budget ~3.6B€ ( ) Three pillars (specific programmes) Entrepreneurship & Innovation ~2,170 M€ (incl € 430 eco-innovation) Intelligent Energy Europe ~730 M€
NESIS A network of public authorities to enhance a Shared and Interoperable Environmental Information System in support to the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive Addresses the fundamental problems faced by public authorities in providing information related to monitoring and reporting environmental impacts and threats Prepares a roadmap for the uptake of robust ICT solutions Work programme 2007: ICT Supporting Sustainable Growth ICT tools and services enabling interoperable, environmental information infrastructures based on international standards
Follow-up to previous programmes including eContent+ eContent plus ( ) to make digital content in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable in a multilingual environment Several specific market areas including geographic content (as a key constituent of public sector content) Ongoing: GIS4EU, EGN, eSDI-Net+, eWater, etc. Under negotiation: ESDIN, OneGeology-Europe, etc.
Objective Harmonisation of spatial data sets Reduce barriers related to one or more of the specific themes in annexes I-III of INSPIRE Expected results Spatial data aggregated to cover a significant part of Europe and accessible in a seamless way across borders in multiple languages Best practice networks of stakeholders for consensus building, promotion of standards and specifications (S&S) Target area Geographic Information
ICT Theme - Environmental sustainability GEANT & eInfrastructure programme ICT Policy Support Programme Sustainable Growth (including NESIS) Follow-up of eContentplus Further Information & Contact Ongoing research on ICT for the Environment
Thank you for your attention