Candy City 零嘴小城市 零嘴小城市
H a v e y o u e v e r e a t e n T a i w a n ’ s t r a d i t i o n a l c a n d y ? Let me show you!
This is Dried mango. It tastes a little sour.
香菸糖 Smoking Candy 香菸糖 Smoking Candy It's shape likes cigar. It is very popular for little kids.
巧克力牙膏 Chocolate Dentifrice Using chocolate makes dentifrice.
開心果 pistachio They are very popular in Chinese New Year.
果凍 Jelly
Taiwan's toy Put the small toy into the box. What box you poke what toy you get.
12 古佩紜 Peggy 21 胡雅雯 Eileen 26 張思雯 Kelly 42 鍾宛婷 Winnie 45 蘇紋鈴 Wendy