Pacific Region Integrated Data Enterprise (PRIDE) A Hawaii-Pacific View Ken Waters National Weather Service, Pacific Region Headquarters Honolulu
2 PRIDE Proposal Process Status Call for proposals to the PRIDE Team issued in January 2005 Call focused on data integration projects in 3 areas: –Coastal and Climate Communities –Marine and Coastal Ecosystems –Risk Management A total of 15 proposals received in February 2005 requesting $1.5M in funding PRIDE review team met March 2, 2005, in Honolulu Using partnered joint resources with the International Pacific Research Center (IPRC), a total of 14 modified proposals for $1.179M were approved for funding Funding distributed in March and April 2005
3 Second PRIDE Workshop Second PRIDE workshop to be held in Honolulu from August , 2005 Opportunity for PRIDE Principal Investigators to present their interim results Discuss plans for the FY 2006 PRIDE proposal process Tours of and discussions with IPRC to see how synergies can continue
4 Spin-Up of NIEAIC Activities NOAA’s Satellite and Information Service/National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) will utilize the East-West Center (EWC) as the incubation facility for the new NOAA Integrated Environmental Applications Information Center (NIEAIC) NCDC’s US GCOS Program Office will utilize its existing contract with Riverside Technology, Inc. (RTi) to aid in this effort EWC will be a sub-contractor to RTi for an initial 18-month task contract; initial task order for NIEAIC spin-up activities at EWC from July 15, 2005 to January 31, 2006 is now in place Remaining 12 months from January 31, 2006 through January 31, 2007 would be paid with FY 2006 funds (if available)
5 NIEAIC Spin-Up Activities Initial Contractor Core Staffing [4] Manager – Eileen Shea from the East West Center Data Integration Specialist - TBD Project Specialist for outreach and education - TBD Administrative assistant – TBD Stakeholder and Partnering Workshops Organization of two workshops per year to explore specific issues related to the development of NIEAIC and its integrated data products Information Technology System design study contract to spec out NIEAIC data center computing needs in FY 2006 Physical Space Use East-West Center as an initial incubation & temporary facility for NIEAIC Eventual: Planning for space in the new Pacific Regional Facility for FY 2009
6 Plans for FY 2006 Continue PRIDE proposal process Initial position established and filled is the NIEAIC Manager position, after FY 2006 appropriation is in place IT design study contract to be let in FY 2006 Work in progress to incorporate this activity into the NOAA current program via the PPBES Process for FY 2008
7 FY 2005 PRIDE Proposals Proposal # PIAbbreviated TitleThemeRequest PRIDE05-01PotemraIntegrated WebsiteC, M, R$44K PRIDE05-02ColassacoIntegrated Rainfall ForecastsC, R$ 80K PRIDE05-03PorterVolcano ClimatologyR$ 80K PRIDE05-04SunIntegrated Data DeliveryC$ 96K PRIDE05-05ChuHigh Rainfall EventsR$ 50K PRIDE05-06HankinAccess to Integrated Pacific Model Output M $116K PRIDE05-07SoreideIntegrating PMEL Argo access and EPIC Web at IRPC C, M, R $ 87K PRIDE05-08LiConstruction of a High- Quality Tropical Cyclone Reanalysis Dataset R$105K
8 FY 2005 PRIDE Proposals (cont) PRIDE05-09Merrifield Analysis of Extreme Events and Trends in Pacific Ocean Water Level Data R$151K PRIDE05-10ChiesaHawaii Resource Information System for Coastal Hazards R$88K PRIDE05-11AtkinsonAlaskan Coastal Wind/Wave Climatology C, M, R$55K PRIDE05-12DunbarPacific Region Views of Tsunamis and Significant Earthquakes R$75K PRIDE05-13XieDevelopment of an integrated data product for Hawaii climate R, C$102K PRIDE05-15KinemanDelineating Areas of Interest to support data mining distributed sites of ecological vulnerability. M$50K TOTAL$1179K
9 Possibilities for Hawaii & Pacific Islands Long-term sea level concerns for low-lying islands –Majuro/Marshall Islands –Kiribati –Tuvalu
10 Possibilities for Hawaii & Pacific Islands Wind climatology database –QuikSCAT Useful to validate National Digital Forecast Database
11 Possibilities for Hawaii & Pacific Islands Useful to validate National Digital Forecast Database Guam/Mariana Islands