Lake Street Elementary School A Connected and Caring Learning Community Lake Street CONNECTS for the SUCCESS of ALL Learners!


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Presentation transcript:

Lake Street Elementary School A Connected and Caring Learning Community Lake Street CONNECTS for the SUCCESS of ALL Learners!

Achievement Results  Designated 4 Star School four years in a row  State Letter Grade “A” or Exemplary School five years in a row  IREAD 3 passing rate of 94% which includes all our learners  ISTEP+ Math passing rate 95%  ISTEP+ ELA passing rated 94%  High growth in ELA and math

A-F Accountability Report Card Elementary/Middle School Model-Student Report Letter Grade “A” 10 pts out of 12 pts

Lake Street Elementary Total Longitudinal Percentage Points

ISTEP+ Results

League Comparison in ELA and Math

Standard 3: The school’s curricula, instructional design and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning.

3.1 Equitable and Challenging Learning Experiences for All Students Quality programming such as Inquiry Math, Everyday Math, Writing Traits, Junior Great Books, Guided Reading and AR.

3.2 Frequent monitoring of effective curriculum, instruction and assessment Data drives lesson planning, individualized instruction, cluster grouping and this work directly aligns with the school’s goals which are based off of our school improvement plan. As a staff we review and revise the plan yearly.

3.3 Teachers use effective strategies that yield results. Planning and using instructional strategies that require student collaboration, self- reflection and development of critical thinking skills. Weekly lesson plans aligned to state standards and create lessons that promote student participation not only as a whole class but in small differentiated learning groups as well. Personalize instructional strategies and interventions to address individual learning needs of each student. Student data folders are utilized as a tool for tracking student progress. These folders allow for individualized self-reflection and conferencing on a one-on-one basis with teachers. Use instructional strategies that require students to apply knowledge and skills, integrate content and skills with other disciplines and use technologies as instructional resources and learning tools.

3.4 School leaders monitor and support effective instruction and student success. Frequent feedback from classroom walk-throughs, iObservation (Marzano) instructional and leadership tool provides common vocabulary when discussing best practice. Meet individually with teachers to discuss progress, successes and areas in need of improvement.

3.5 Teachers collaborate to improve instruction. Grade level teams meet monthly to collaborate Cross-grade level teams meet monthly for collaboration and professional development Problem solving team meets bi-monthly to review student data and address the needs of struggling learners Lake Street Leadership Team meets weekly to discuss the school’s effectiveness and progress towards goals

3.6 Teachers support student learning. Learning Goals Rubrics are used to help students understand learning expectations and track their performance Immediate feedback Individual conferencing, data folders Engaging activities

3.7 New teachers are mentored and supported.

3.8 School keeps parents informed and involved. Parent/Teacher Conferences – 99% attendance CONNECTS Nights – informational evenings at the beginning of the school year DATA Night – grades K – 2 teachers present what all the data means PTO Informational Nights – teachers present information before the General Meeting

3.9 The school mentors and supports all students. Staff members get to know students on a personal basis. RtI, PBIS, Nurse Betty, Media Specialist, principal, NEHS, Student Council, Bowl Teams.

3.10 Grading and reporting are based on standards and consistent across grade levels. Grading and reporting policies (handbook) Quarterly progress reports and report cards Annual parent-teacher conferences Ongoing online gradebook

3.11 All staff participate in continuous program of professional learning. Teacher driven professional development RtI—understanding and implementation—full staff Smekens’ Training—full staff Phonics Initiative Training ongoing– full staff Inquiry Math In House and PUC staffers Grade 3 worked one-on-one with Diana Underwood Professor from Purdue Calumet PALS—grade 1, RtI Interventionist and Paraprofessionals Data folders and student goal setting CP 2.0 builders New format for ISTEP+

3.12 The school provides learning support services to meet the needs of all students. Response To Instruction Team Exceptional Learners Team Positive Behavior Coach Problem Solving Team Extra-curricular sponsors Dare program and partnership with the CP Police/Fire Departments Teachers review data to meet needs of all learners

Future Challenges New ISTEP+ testing format New Academic College and Career Readiness Standards Continuing and ongoing quality Professional Development The Pursuit of Engagement—In the schoolhouse, in the classroom, in the cafeteria, on the playground…. everywhere for everyone!

A Connected and Caring Learning Community  We are Lake Street and PROUD of it! Lake Street Connects for the Success of ALL Students!