Enhancement Overview Classic Citation Navigator Auto Fill Abbreviation Box Citation Copy and Paste
Auto Fill Abbreviation Box Simplified blank format to type your Volume, Blue Book citation abbreviation, and page number. This feature allows you to type your citation in free form until your desired title abbreviation is found. As you type additional letters, your title abbreviation choices will be narrowed to eliminate unnecessary titles.
Auto Fill Abbreviation Example In the example below we will be using the Citation Navigator to find Volume 2 Page 15 of Harvard Law Review “2 Harv. L. Rev. 15” Enter a Volume number in the first column, begin typing your title in the middle column and enter your page number in the last column. Begin by going to the blank boxes located below “Blue Book Citation:” in your Citation Navigation Tab. When all pertinent information is entered select “Get Citation” to go directly to the desired page.
Citation Copy and Paste Reduces the amount of time spent scrolling through excessive titles when you have the official citation. This feature allows legal researchers with an official citation to copy the citation directly from their source and paste it in this box.
Classic Citation Navigator Researchers that prefer the drop down menu found in the “Classic” Citation navigator can easily default to this Navigation Screen by simply following the link circled below.
If you have any questions regarding our Enhanced Citation Navigator please contact the HeinOnline Technical Support team at