p. 1Mario Deile – Physics at LHC Mario Deile CERN PH-TOT Diffractive Physics: What answers do we expect from the LHC? DinoGoulianos
p. 2Mario Deile – ~30 mb ~10 mb ~7 mb ~1 mb M M Double Pomeron Exchange Double Diffraction Single Diffraction Elastic Scattering ~65 mb ~ 58 % << 1 mb Dominant Event Classes in p-p Collisions ~ 42 % Processes with large cross-sections!
p. 3Mario Deile – Signatures of Diffractive Events By rapidity gap: Reconstruct proton momentum loss = p/p from diffractive system X (inelastic component): or from rapidity gap: needs good rapidity coverage By leading protons: needs detectors in beam-pipe insertions far from IP close to the beam (e.g. Roman Pots, moving beam pipes etc.); Already done at ISR, SppS, HERA, RHIC, Tevatron. Particularly strong focus on leading proton measurement at LHC. Roman Pots on both sides of the IPs. X (M X 2 = 1 2 s) Rapidity Gap -ln 2 Rapidity Gap -ln 1 DPE X (M X 2 = s) Rapidity Gap -ln SD p
Mario Deile – LHCf 0m 6m 14m 16m 140m m 420m, ~7 km LHC Experiments: Pseudorapidity Acceptance FP420, IR 3 0m 17m 140m 220m 240m 420m FP420 ALFA (RP240): vertical Roman Pot with scintillating fibres for absolute lumi. meas. LHCf: tracker and calo for forward n, , RP220 project for diffraction: vert. RP and movable beampipe LUCID: Cerenkov tubes for relative lumi. calib. CASTOR: calorimeter (initially on 1 side of IP5) T2: GEM tracker HF: calorimeter T1: CSC tracker TOTEM Roman Pots: horizontal and vertical with ‘edgeless’ Si detectors
p. 5Mario Deile – ALICE: diffractive gap trigger No Roman Pots, but Zero Degree Calorimeter for neutral particles. Identify diffractive events by their rapidity gap and leading neutrals from N * excitations. See presentation on ALICE diffractive physics programme by R. Schicker.
p. 6Mario Deile – Typical range of model predictions: 90 – 130 mb. Aim of TOTEM / ATLAS at the LHC: ~ 1 – 2 % accuracy Total p-p Cross-Section [PRL (2002)] COMPETE: Disagreement E811–CDF: 2.6 ~ ln 2 s or ~ s 0.08 or ~ ln s ? “radius increases”
p. 7Mario Deile – = fine structure constant = relative Coulomb-nuclear phase G(t) = nucleon el.-mag. form factor = (1 + |t| / 0.71) -2 = Re / Im T elastic,nuclear (t = 0) Coulomb scattering Nuclear scattering Coulomb-Nuclear interference Total Cross-Section and Elastic Scattering at low |t| Optical Theorem:
p. 8Mario Deile – Total Cross-Section and Elastic Scattering at low |t| TOTEM Approach: Measure the exponential slope B in the t-range GeV 2, extrapolate d /dt to t=0, measure total inelastic and elastic rates (all TOTEM detectors provide L1 triggers): Optical Theorem: = fine structure constant = relative Coulomb-nuclear phase G(t) = nucleon el.-mag. form factor = (1 + |t| / 0.71) -2 = Re / Im T elastic,nuclear (t = 0) Coulomb scattering Nuclear scattering Coulomb-Nuclear interference
p. 9Mario Deile – Total Cross-Section and Elastic Scattering at low |t| TOTEM Approach: Measure the exponential slope B in the t-range GeV 2, extrapolate d /dt to t=0, measure total inelastic and elastic rates (all TOTEM detectors provide L1 triggers): ATLAS Approach: Measure d /dt down into Coulomb region and use el.-mag. cross-section for normalisation Optical Theorem: = fine structure constant = relative Coulomb-nuclear phase G(t) = nucleon el.-mag. form factor = (1 + |t| / 0.71) -2 = Re / Im T elastic,nuclear (t = 0) Coulomb scattering Nuclear scattering Coulomb-Nuclear interference
p. 10Mario Deile – Elastic pp Scattering at 14 TeV: Model Predictions Big uncertainties at large |t|: Models differ by ~ 3 orders of magnitude! TOTEM will measure the complete range with good statistics 3-gluon exchange at large |t|: Islam Model: * = 90 m * = 2 m * = 1540 m * = 2625 m (ATLAS)
p. 11Mario Deile – Detection of Diffractively Scattered Protons TOTEM: Proton Acceptance in (t, ): (contour lines at A = 10 %) RP220 = 0.5m - 2m (x *, y * ): vertex position ( x *, y * ): emission angle = p/p Transport equations: 10 x(mm) x [mm] horizontal Si detector vertical Si detector vertical Si detector y [mm] Example: Hit TOTEM RP220 with * = 90m t ~ -p 2 * 2 = 1540 m L = – 2 x % of all p seen; all = 90 m L = – 3 x % of all p seen; all = 0.5 – 2 m L = – p with seen; all t Optics properties at RP220: resolved
p. 12Mario Deile – Diffraction at * = 0.5 – 2 m with high Luminosity FP420 RP220 FP420 Project (IP1 and IP5) RP147 Protons seen for > 2.5 % lg( ) lg (-t [GeV 2 ]) movable beampipe: 3D Si trackers and timing detectors Alternative idea: put detectors in momentum cleaning region IR3 ( talk by K. Eggert)
p. 13Mario Deile – Measurement of Diffractive Cross-Sections Aim: measurement of all kinematic variables and their correlations. Single Diffraction: (Regge theory) Pomeron flux in proton ~ e b t / 1+2 Pomeron-proton cross-section ~ (s ) and t dependence experimentally confirmed up to Tevatron, but total SD cross-section lower. [K. Goulianos: Phys. Lett. B 358] Regge pM t At 14 TeV? Slope parameter at LHC: b ~ 5 – 7 GeV -2 ? distance of diffractive interaction R ~ 0.5 fm p p Difficulty in Single Diffraction: Mass from proton measurement: ~ 2 x (principally limited to by beam energy spread!) Mass resolved for > 450 GeV need to calculate M directly from diffractive system
p. 14Mario Deile – Rapidity Gap vs. Proton Momentum Example: Single Diffraction measured with = 90 m (protons with all detected). Proton momentum resolution: = 90 m: p ( ) = 1.6 x Rapidity gap measurement resolution: ( ) = 0.8 – 1 Compare the proton momentum loss with the rapidity gap : verify = –ln proton M proton resolution limited by LHC energy spread gap edge in T1, T2 gap edge in CMS gap edge in T1, T2 via proton ( * =90m) = –ln = 100% gap edge range M (SD) [GeV] < 1 x < 5proton seen, not resolved, gap not meas., detectors empty 1 x – 1.6 x – 450 proton seen, not resolved, gap measured 1.6 x – – 3000 measured, gap measured > 0.045> 3000 measured, gap not seen, detectors full ZDC
p. 15Mario Deile – shape of function F D similar normalisation different (factor 10) difference related to (soft) rescattering effects between spectator partons Rapidity Gap Survival in Hard Diffraction IP Q2Q2 t ** e e’ pp’ IP Rap. Gap jet hard scattering Diffractive DIS at HERA gap survival probability Tevatron hard scattering cross-section diffractive structure function
p. 16Mario Deile – Rapidity Gap Survival Probability: 2 gaps vs 1 gap R(SD/ND) R(DPE/SD) Suppression similar for 2 gaps and 1 gap
p. 17Mario Deile – Central Diffraction (DPE) M PP 2 = s ; normalised DPE Mass Distribution (acceptance corrected) 14 b / GeV 1.4 nb / GeV 50 events / (h cm -2 s -1 sufficient statistics to measure the inclusive mass spectrum =90m: (M) = 20 – 70 GeV 5-dimensional differential cross-section: Any correlations? Mass spectrum: change variables ( 1, 2 ) (M PP, y PP ): (M) = 20 – 70 GeV (M)/M = 2 %
p. 18Mario Deile – Central Production clean signature and redundancy: measure both protons and central system exchange of colour singlets with vacuum quantum numbers Selection rules for system X: J PC = 0 ++, (2 ++, 4 ++ ) Study the kinematic properties of exclusive production (e.g. t-spectrum and p T distrib. of X), compare with inclusive production (M = X + ?) High gluon fraction in Pomeron (measured by HERA, Tevatron) Use the LHC as a gluon-gluon collider and look for resonances in d /dM Special Case: Exclusive production X = , jj, c0, b0, H, SUSY H, glueballs? seen at the Tevatron
p. 19Mario Deile – Exclusive Production: Examples System M excl Decay channelBR Events at L int = 0.3 pb -1 Events at L int = 0.3 fb -1 c0 (3.4 GeV) 3 b [KMRS] J/ + – + – K + K – 6 x 10 – x 10 6 b0 (9.9 GeV) 4 nb [KMRS] + – 1.5x10 -3 0.5 500 jj ( > 1, E > 50 GeV) 0.2 nb (E > 5 GeV) 600 fb Predictions for the LHC: = 90 m L = – 3 x = 0.5 – 2 m L = – 10 34
p. 20Mario Deile – Other Central Production Processes systems with C = P = – 1 : e.g. J/ Y Pomeron – Photon fusionPomeron – Odderon fusion Odderon = hypothetical analogon to Pomeron with C = -1 QCD: Pomeron = 2 gluons, Odderon = 3 gluons See Photon/Odderon studies by Alice.
p. 21Mario Deile – Detection of Central Production Ideal scenario: reconstruct kinematics from protons AND resonance decay products ( redundancy!) But: Only possible for small production rapidities y i.e. symmetric events M PP 2 = s L = < 3 x too low for b, H J/ + – + – K + K – + –
p. 22Mario Deile – Detection of Central Production Ideal scenario: reconstruct kinematics from protons AND resonance decay products ( redundancy!) But: Only possible for small production rapidities y i.e. symmetric events M PP 2 = s J/ + – + – K + K – + –
p. 23Mario Deile – Diffractive Higgs Production Difficulty of diffraction at high luminosity: Pile-up of several events per bunch crossing; L = 1 x : 35 events / bunch crossing Combinations faking DPE signature: e.g. (single diffraction) + (non-diffractive inelastic) + (single diffraction) Leading protons and central diffractive system have to be matched: timing measurements in leading proton detectors (10 – 20 ps in FP420) z(vertex) Events / 1 GeV Invariant mass calculated from the two protons Various Higgs studies: SM with m H = 120 GeV: x BR (H bb) = 2 fb, S/B ~ 1 MSSM M h max scenario (m A = 120 GeV, tan = 40) x BR (h bb) = 20 fb NMSSM scenario (m h = 93 GeV, m a = 10 GeV) x BR (h aa 4 ) = 4.8 fb but S/B 10 ! L int = 60 fb -1 t = 10 ps MSSM [JHEP 0710:090,2007]
p. 24Mario Deile – Summary: Questions on diffraction addressed by the LHC Total p-p cross-section measurement on the ~1% level Differential elastic cross-section measured over 4 orders of magnitude in t with very different scattering mechanisms Event topologies and differential cross-sections of diffractive processes (Tools: leading proton detectors, different specially designed beam optics, good rapidity coverage) Rapidity gap studies based on proton tagging Study of central production with search for resonances: inclusive vs exclusive processes
p. 25Mario Deile –
p. 26Mario Deile –
p. 27Mario Deile – CMS+TOTEM Forward Detectors ~14 m T1: 3.1 < < 4.7 CSC trackers T2: 5.3 < < 6.5 GEM trackers 10.5 m T1 T2 HF Symmetric experiment: RPs on both sides! Unique tool for diffraction Roman Pots: RP220 RP147 CASTOR calorimeter ZDC
p. 28Mario Deile – 90% (65%) of all diffractive protons are detected for * = 1540 (90) m largest acceptance detector ever built at a hadron collider CMS + TOTEM: Acceptance CMS central T1 HCal T2 CASTOR =90m RPs =1540m ZDC = - ln tg /2 Roman Pots T1,T2 Roman Pots Charged particles Energy flux dN ch /d dE/d CMS
p. 29Mario Deile – Leading Proton Detection: TOTEM Roman Pots Roman Pot Unit Leading proton detection at distances down 10 beam + d Need “edgeless” detectors (efficient up to physical edge) to minimise width d of dead space. TOTEM: specially designed silicon strip detectors (CTS), efficient within 50 m from the edge “edgeless” Si strip detectors (10 planes per pot) Horizontal Pot Vertical Pot BPM
p. 30Mario Deile – Leading Proton Detection: FP420 (IP1 and IP5) and ATLAS RP220 Mechanical design based on movable “Hamburg Pipe”: Proton spectrometers proposed: at 220m and ~420 m from IP1 and at ~420m from IP5 Two (or three) stations for each spectrometer Two pockets for each station: tracking and timing detectors Mobile Plate Gastof Maxon Motor Si Box Moving Pipe Fix Plate LVDT Mechanical stop Si Detector mm STATION Pockets
p. 31Mario Deile – New Idea: Proton Measurement in IP3 Acceptance in Momentum Loss Detects protons from all interaction points.
p. 32 PMTs LUCID: Cerenkov tubes at |z| ~17 m (5.4< | | <6.1) for relative lumi. calib. LUCID ZDC ALFA (RP240): vertical Roman Pot with scintillating fibres for absolute lumi. meas. ATLAS + LHCf Forward Detectors RP220 project for diffraction: vert. RP and movable beampipe LHCf: tracker and calo for forward n, , Beam pipe
p. 33Mario Deile – PMT baseplate optical connectors scintillating fibre detectors glued on ceramic supports 10 U/V planes overlap & trigger Roman Pot MAPMTs FE electronics & shield Roman Pot Unit The Experiments: ALFA (IP1) 240 m ATLAS ALFA RP Same configuration on the other side of IP1
p. 34Mario Deile – The Experiments: LHCf (IP1) scintillators tungsten layers scintillating fibers Silicon layers scintillators tungsten layers Arm 1 Arm 2 TAN TAN 140m
p. 35Mario Deile – Characteristics of Diffractive Events P( ) = e - , = dn/d Exchange of colour: Initial hadrons acquire colour and break up. Rapidity gaps filled in hadronisation Exponential suppression of rapidity gaps: Non-diffractive events: Exchange of colour singlets with vacuum quantum numbers (“Pomerons”) rapidity gaps with P( ) = const. Many cases: leading proton(s) with momentum loss p / p typically Diffractive events: p p p p P P p p g g
p. 36Mario Deile – ~1.5 GeV 2 Elastic Scattering - from ISR to Tevatron exponential slope B at low |t| increases: B ~ R 2 ~ 0.7 GeV 2 ~ 1.7 GeV 2 exponential region ds/dt ~ e -B|t|
p. 37Mario Deile – Diffractive minimum: analogous to Fraunhofer diffraction: |t|~p 2 2 Elastic Scattering - from ISR to Tevatron exponential slope B at low |t| increases
p. 38Mario Deile – ~1.5 GeV 2 Diffractive minimum: analogous to Fraunhofer diffraction: |t|~p 2 2 Elastic Scattering - from ISR to Tevatron ~ 0.7 GeV 2 ~ 1.7 GeV 2 exponential slope B at low |t| increases minimum moves to lower |t| with increasing s interaction region grows (as also seen from tot ) depth of minimum changes shape of proton profile changes depth of minimum differs between pp, pˉp different mix of processes
p. 39Mario Deile – |t| = 6.5 x GeV 2 Coulomb – nuclear cross-over point Elastic Scattering Acceptance 1.3 mm 6 mm Detector distance from beam centre ATLAS: = 2625 m TOTEM: better extrapolation lever arm with * = 1540 m than with * = 90 m. Expected uncertainty in tot : ~ 1% ~ 5% ATLAS: Expected uncertainty in tot : ~ 2% if Coulomb region can be reached. Measurements down to lowest |t| need reduced beam emittance and very close detector approach to the beam difficult *=1540 m *=2 m *=90 m log(-t / GeV 2 ) GeV GeV GeV 2 Acceptance TOTEM: * = 1540 m, 90 m, 2 m Acceptance for elastically scattered protons depends on machine optics ( * )
p. 40Mario Deile – Measurement of = f(0) / f(0) is interesting for tot : prediction of tot at higher s via dispersion relation: COMPETE Prediction for LHC: Try to reach the interference region: move the detectors closer to the beam than 10 mm run at lower energy s = 2p < 14 TeV: |t| min = p 2 2 * =1540m, =1mm rad asymptotic behaviour: 1 / ln s for s
p. 41Mario Deile – el / tot ~ 30% at the LHC ? el / tot = 50% : black disk limit The proton not only grows but becomes blacker. Saturation? Elastic and Diffractive Fractions of tot dependence on tot, el SD / total ratio observed to decrease. At 14 TeV? Various models:
p. 42Mario Deile – diffractive vs proton PDF’s: larger gluon content harder gluon structure proton PDF’s diffractive PDF’s u,d,s Interpretation of diffractive PDF’s
p. 43Mario Deile – Measurement of Resonances Ideal scenario: reconstruct kinematics from protons AND resonance decay products ( redundancy!) But: Only possible for small production rapidities y i.e. symmetric events M PP 2 = s L = < 3 x too low for b, H J/ + – + – K + K – + – 110 3 H (120 GeV) Rapidity y 110 3 cc bb
p. 44Mario Deile – Measurement of Resonances Ideal scenario: reconstruct kinematics from protons AND resonance decay products ( redundancy!) But: Only possible for small production rapidities y i.e. symmetric events M PP 2 = s 110 3 J/ + – + – K + K – + – Rapidity y 110 3 cc bb H (120 GeV)
p. 45Mario Deile – Higgs (SM, MSSM) tan = 30tan = 50 m A x BR (A bb) 130 GeV 0.07 fb 130 GeV 0.2 fb m h x BR (h bb) GeV 5.6 fb GeV 13 fb m H x BR (H bb) GeV 8.7 fb GeV 23 fb MSSM Examples: m A = 130 GeV m A = 100 GeV tan = 30tan = 50 m A x BR (A bb) 100 GeV 0.4 fb 100 GeV 1.1 fb m h x BR (h bb) 98 GeV 70 fb 99 GeV 200 fb m H x BR (H bb) 133 GeV 8 fb 131 GeV 15 fb [from A. Martin] SM with m H = 120 GeV: x BR (H bb) = 2 fb 30 fb -1, m = 3 GeV: S/B = 11/10 x BR (H WW*) = 0.4 fb 30 fb -1 : S/B = 8/3 MSSM: