SCCOOS Web Site Training Surface Currents and Wave Conditions
1. Go to the surface current mapping web page at Click on “View Full Page”
3. Enable HF Radar Sites
4. Zoom in to the Long Beach area. What are the coordinates of the HF Radar Site that is closest to the Long Beach Harbor?
ANSWER: Point Fermin at N, W
5. Enable the oil platforms. What are the coordinates of the oil platform that is closest to Long Beach Harbor?
ANSWER: Esther at N, W
6. Set the time for :00:00 PDT. Use the coordinate locator to zoom into the vector at N, W. What is the magnitude and direction of this vector at that time?
ANSWER: Magnitude cm/s or.263 knots Direction ° from North
7. Select the -1 Day option to view this vector on the previous day. What was the magnitude and direction of this vector at :00:00 PDT?
ANSWER: Magnitude16.73 cm/s of.325 knots Direction ° from North
8. Select the +1 Hour option two times to move forward two hours. What was the magnitude and direction of this vector at :00:00 PDT?
ANSWER: Magnitude cm/s or.328 knots Direction ° from North
9. Set the resolution to 1km. Zoom into the area surrounding Dana Point. Find the vector that is closest to the entrance of Dana Point Harbor. Click on the vector to view the pop- up. View the time history for this vector. What was the surface current magnitude on June 11 at 9:00 PDT? ANSWER: cm/s or.388 knots
10. Go to the wave conditions web page at What is the range of swell height for the area between Catalina Island and Los Angeles? *Answers will vary depending on conditions
12. What is the peak period (Tp) and peak direction (Dp) of the swell? *Answers will depend on conditions What is the circle at the bottom left of the swell image?
ANSWER: It is a wave spectrum (swell intensity as a function of period and direction). It shows the relative intensity (using color, red=highest relative energy density, or intensity), direction (on the compass), and period (by distance from the center) of the swell. The colors in the compass plot are not related to the values given on color scale for Hs at the top of the image.
14. What do Hs, Tp, and Dp stand for? ANSWER: Hs= Significant wave height of swell, or roughly the average height of the 1/3 rd highest waves (ft) Tp= Peak period of the swell (sec) Dp= Compass direction from which the waves are arriving (degrees) e.g. 180 from the south, 270 from the west
15. Click anywhere on the image to go to the Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP) website 16. Click on the link to historic data
17. Click on the “California South” link
18. Scroll down the page to find the link for the buoy near San Pedro (Station 92)
19. This web page allows you to look at historic wave conditions. Select 12/2008 under “Monthly Products” on the left side of the screen. Choose “parameter” from the drop-down menu under “Monthly data”
20. What was the Hs, Tp, and Dp on 12/1/08 at 00:22 UTC? ANSWER:Hs=1.29mTp=18.18m Dp=262 deg