15/2/2006 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft General News LHC progress & Schedule now recent news on schedule ‘closure of beam on 31 August’, first injected beam in November 2007 aim for short pp run at reduced energy (900 GeV): Commissioning run may extend into the normal shutdown period
15/2/2006 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft MB report I MB, meetings on 7-11/12-12/11-1/8-3 (minutes on EDMS) Technical issues -> CF/LL Physics issues: -> KS Financial issues: -> HdG Computing: -> FC Authorship policy, publications etc.. -> HAG Mexico: M&O MoU to be signed at April RRB Mexico proposes to swap Morelia (1 person, inactive) with Sinaloa (1 person, active) Institute ‘combined’ with Puebla (like in the past, working on ACORDE)) application of new Institutes: PUCP Peru (A. Gago), Korea (Yonsei), USA new/ongoing discussions: Pakistan, (Turkey, Lithuania) MB participation: EMCAL project invited (T. Cormier) to allow efficient discussions of emcal/US issues may become ‘official’ once the project is fully approved
15/2/2006 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft MB report II Schedule of first heavy ion run Pb injector complex on schedule to be ready for LHC injection after spring 2008 first heavy ion run not officially scheduled, but generically assumed to be ‘at the end of the first long proton run’ CRAG: Commissioning & Run Advisory Group J. Engelen (chair), LHC Run Coordinator (M Ferro-Luzzi), L. Evans (LHC),. M Mangano (TH), 4 Spokespersons schedule in 2008 will depend on machine/experiment status & physics landscape ALICE request (letter to CERN Management) short Pb pilot run asap, preferably at the end of the first long pp run first significant physics possible within days (including 2-3 days set-up time) in the interest of HI community (20% LHC) and CERN ( spectacular and ‘guaranteed’ early physics output from LHC) should have no significant impact on early pp physics used by machine as ‘cool-down’ period
15/2/2006 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft Adapting ALICE to Exploitation Coordination Tasks 1) Technical complete construction/installation (PHOS/TRD/EMCAL until ~ 2010, upgrades thereafter) services/infrastructure at point 2, technical support, shutdown work, safety, interaction with CERN services,.. 2) Detector Operation organizing & implementing detector operation and data taking shift organization/supervision/training liaison with LHC machine, LHC schedule meetings 3) Data Production organizing & implementing data production & scheduled analysis on Tier-0/GRID GRID computing resources (requirements, resource allocation, usage) interaction with LCG bodies/computing centers possible implementation under discussion Chris will retire mid Replacement(s) most likely have to be found within ALICE current thinking: appoint 2 Coordinators for tasks 1 & 2 ~ equivalent to the current scheme of TC and Deputy TC one new coordinator for the (new) task of running the data production machinery
15/2/2006 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft MB composition during Exploitation Current MB = 25 members Management : 9 SP + 2 Dep, CB-chair + Dep, TC + Dep, ResC, PhysC Projects: 12 ITS, TPC, TRD, TOF, Muons, PHOS, DAQ, TrIG, HLT, OfflC, ‘small projects’, EMCAL (invited) Elected ‘ad personam’: 4 New scheme required during exploitation grouping into hardware projects would be unnatural after end of construction boundary condition: keep MB at or below current size
15/2/2006 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft MB composition MB components Management i.e. people with a significant responsibility in coordination and execution eg: Spokesperson, CB-chair, TC, … Projects keep ongoing ‘construction’ projects (eg EMCAL) ? Physics eg nomination via PB or PWGs Elected eg ‘ad personam’ and/or via ‘regional representatives’ Current state of discussion the different components are considered reasonable and required size/composition of components and timescale is under discussion input is requested from the Collaboration on how to proceed and on which timescale
15/2/2006 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft Dates in 2007 Collaboration weeks (all at CERN) 5 – 9 March 2 – 6 July 1 – 5 Oct RRB April October LHCC 7 th LHCC comprehensive Review: 19/20 March 31 January - 1 February March May4 - 5 July September November Physics Workshops ‘Last call for LHC predictions’, CERN, May/June 2007 (U. Wiedeman, N. Armesto) High pt WS, Jyvaskula, 23 – 27 March (J. Rak) ……