Website Workshop Or “How I conquered my fears and got online”
Objectives Bring together those interested in – developing websites – better utilizing websites – learning new techniques – passing on knowledge Improve the FLSSAR web presence to –Increase membership –Provide organizational communication –Support SAR goals
Customer Requirements What are website visitor needs? What are chapter internet needs? What are FLSSAR internet needs? What are your needs? Customer Satisfaction Quality Value Service
Meeting the Needs Menu system –Organizes information Organizational documents –Rosters –Forms –Calendars / meeting reports Institutional (Chapter) Needs Individual Member Needs Your Needs FLSSAR SAR
Our Strengths ChapterFLSSARInterest Passion Other chaoters Personal Skills Other members Chapter Interest Passion FLSSARSARInterest Passion
Skills in Designing a Website Vision Coding skills (understanding). Working knowledge of web tools. Asking questions (for help). –Knowing limitations. –Knowing when to stop. Playing the politics. Handling changes & critiques.
Applications Dreamweaver Homesite MS Frontpage MS WORD Others?
Technology Using new technology –Benefits Vs Drawbacks DYA: define your acronyms!
Vocabulary Web Hosting Web server FTP Drop-down; Pop-up; Hover (Define the terms as used here)
Designing a Website Design elements –Home page (introduction to site) –Graphics –Text –Bells & Whistles Spinning, crawling, flashing, blinking text Sound Pop-ups, hovers, etc –Others?
Maintaining a website Organize –What and why and how Example Exercise
FLSSAR Web site What is different besides ‘look’? Integration with NSSAR site –Why emulate NSSAR? Audience Consistency of content representation Policies
Features & Benefits Menu system. –Drop down groupings. Quickly find a topic compared to a single scrollable list. Groupings. –In ‘like’ subjects –Use of PDF for text content (majority) Focused content –Content to support main goals
Standards & Guidelines Standards being considered –Benefits Vs Drawbacks Standards specifically being ignored –Drawbacks & benefits
Development process Develop a website plan –Who, What, and how. Develop your Budget(s) –Software, hardware, web hosting service Start creating Website review / approval –Catch errors in content & code Publish / promote –Spread the word
Where to Get More Information Other training sessions –Take advantage of online training, local training sources Books, articles, electronic sources –Bookstores for HTML, CCS, Java, etc –Internet Consulting services, other sources
Get Committed Team commitments. Individual commitments.
Summary What has been learned? –Web Skills, Design, Maintenance, Standards, & other resources Follow on session? Feedback on this session
The End