Basic Echocardiography Case Studies Wendy Blount, DVM Nacogdoches TX Wendy Blount, DVM Nacogdoches TX
Trip Signalment 2 year old castrated male border collie Chief Complaint/History Productive Cough, weight loss for 2 months Breathing hard for a 2 days Energy good; did well in agility 4 days ago Owner thinks has had lifelong PU-PD Has wanted to be in AC this summer – unlike last summer when he enjoyed being outside
Trip Exam T 102.2, P 168, R 42, CRT 3 sec, BCS 2.5, BP murmurs: –To-and-fro murmur, 3/6, PMI left base –Holosystolic murmur 3/6 over rest of chest –2/6 ejection murmur PMI Carotid Bounding pulses, notable in small arteries Precordial – exaggerated left apical heave Lung sounds clear
Trip Differential Diagnoses Aortic endocarditis SAS with aortic regurgitation Mitral regurgitation (endocarditis?) Diagnostic Plan Thoracic radiographs EKG Echocardiography
Trip EKG Normal sinus rhythm for 10 minutes Thoracic Radiographs Interstitial pattern caudal lung fields Vertebral heart score 10.5
Trip - Echo Short Axis – LV Apex(video)video No abnormalities noted Short Axis – LV PM LVIDD – 57.3 (n ) IVSTS – 15.5 mm (n ) LVIDS – 41.1 mm ( ) FS = ( )/57.3 = 28% (n 30-46%) EF = 54% (n >70%)
Trip - Echo Short Axis – MV EPSS – 8 mm (n 0-6) Short Axis – Ao/RVOT AoS – 20.2 (normal) LAD – 27.8 (n ) LA/Ao – 27.8/20.2 = 1.38 (n ) Aortic valve leaflets are hyperechoic
Trip - Echo Short Axis – PA No abnormalities noted Long Axis – 4 Chamber LA appeared mildly enlarged IVS bowed anteriorly toward RV No evidence of mitral encodarditis or endocardiosis
Trip - Echo Long Axis – LVOT Hyperechoic thickened mitral valve leaflets Diagnosis Aortic endocarditis Therapeutic Plan Elected euthanasia due to poor prognosis
Maximus 18 month old male Boxer Chief Complaint Drastic and rapid weight loss Not eating well Coughing up blood tinged fluid since yesterday Exam Similar to Trip, except temp And BCS 2
Maximus Diagnostics Thoracic Radiographs –Severe perihilar and interstitial edema –LA enlargement –VHS 12.5 –Pulmonary lobar veins 2X arteries EKG –Normal sinus rhythm –P wave 0.5 mV tall x 0.06 msec –QRS complex tall mV x 0.05 msec –LA and LV enlargement
Maximus Diagnostics Blood culture –negative (2 samples 2 hours apart) Urine culture –Enterobacter susceptible to all CBC –neutrophilia 23,100/ul –Mild anemia – PCV 35.5%
Maximus Diagnostics General Health Profile, electrolytes –BUN – 55 (n 10-29) –ALT – 225 (n ) –Albumin – 2.2 (n ) Urinalysis –USG – –WBC 7-10/hpf, rare bacteria seen
Maximus Treatment (58 lbs, BCS 2, RR 66) Antibiotics –IV - ampicillin 750 mg TID, Baytril 150 mg BID x 3 days –IM – ampicillin 750 mg BID, Baytril 150 mg x 3 days –PO – ampicillin 750 mg BID, Baytril 136 mg PO for life Furosemide –100 mg IV TID the first day - RR down to 28 –Then 75 mg PO BID Enalapril – 15 mg PO BID
Maximus Treatment – Day 3 – RR 30, eating well Chest x-rays –Pulmonary edema much improved, but mild amount still present Furosemide - 75 mg PO BID Enalapril – 15 mg PO BID Added Spironolactone – 25 mg PO BID
Maximus Diagnostics – Day 5 – RR 36, BP 150 Chest x-rays - No change BUN – 43 Electrolytes - normal Treatment – Day 5 Furosemide - 75 mg PO BID Enalapril – 15 mg PO BID Spironolactone – increased to 50 mg PO BID Added Hydralazine – 12.5 mg PO BID
Maximus Diagnostics – Day 10 RR 30, BP 135, Wt 61.8, Temp 103 Chest x-rays – perihilar edema resolved BUN – 11, albumin 2.3 Electrolytes – normal CBC – neutrophilia 23,000/ul Continued this treatment for the rest of Max’s life – 3 months
Valvular Endocarditis Clinical Features Present for FUO, weight loss or heart failure Aortic much more common than mitral Dogs much more common than cats Many bacteria including Bartonella Breed predisposition –Rottweiler, Boxer, Golden retriever –Newfoundland, German shepard
Valvular Endocarditis Clinical Features Abnormal valve + bacteremia = endocarditis Bacteremia caused routinely by: –Dental cleaning –Brushing your teeth (chewing) –Constipation, any GI illness –defecation –Urinary catheterization –infection
Valvular Endocarditis ECG abnormalities Tall, wide P wave (LA enlargement) Tall R wave (LV enlargement) Ventricular arrhythmias common (handout)handout –Treat if multiform of >30 per minute –Class I or III antiarrhythmic –Sotalol 2-3 mg/kg PO BID Thoracic radiographs Left heart failure
Valvular Endocarditis Echocardiographic abnormalities Thickened, hyperechoic valves Vegetation may flop around –MV in diastole, AV in systole Variable LV dilation (more with time) FS normal to low normal until myocardial failure MV endocarditis can be difficult to distinguish from MV endocardiosis –Endocarditis dogs are systemically ill
Valvular Endocarditis Treatment Based on urine and blood culture and sensitivity, Bartonella PCR Antibiotics –IV 3-5 days – broad spectrum until culture results –SC/IM 3-5 days –Then PO long term – often for life Treat Heart failure (severe) Treat ventricular arrhythmia if present Watch for and treat bacterial embolization of abdominal organs, skin, IVDiscs, CNS, joints, etc. Watch for and treat immune complex disease
Valvular Endocarditis Prognosis <20% survival Antibiotic therapy often required for life Median survival is 6 days from diagnosis for aortic endocarditis Survival is longer for mitral endocarditis –LHF due to MR not as severe as AoR
Ike Signalment 7 year old castrated male Persian cat Chief Complaint Recurring anemia Episodes of weakness, anorexia, dullness and salivation Constipation often associated with episodes Tremendous hair loss and 2 lb weight loss over 6 months
Ike Exam – T 100.3, P 180, R 40, BP 135 Fleas++++ Gallop rhythm, followed by normal heart sounds, followed by 2/6 systolic murmur Hepatomegaly and mild to moderate ascites Jugular vein distension Did not do hepatojugular reflux test Tongue protrudes and tip is dry Breathes with mouth open when stressed
Ike Diagnostics CBC – normal FeLV/FIV – negative GHP/electrolytes – –ALT – 218 (n ) –Bili – 0.3 (high normal) –Albumin 1.7 (n ) –K – 2.5 (n )
Ike Diagnostics Chest x-rays –Elevated trachea –Generalized cardiomegaly – VHS 9 –Distended caudal vena cava –Hepatomegaly –Ascites
Ike Diagnostics Diagnosis - Right heart failure with cardiomegaly DDx – cardiomegaly –Diaphragmatic hernia –pericardial effusion –heart enlargement HCM, DCM, RCM VSD Valvular disease –Hypoalbuminemia/liver disease may be contributing to ascites
Ike DDx Hypoalbuminemia Liver disease PLN PLE unlikely with no clinical signs Sequestration in ascites
Ike Initial Treatment No echo done because Ike became dyspneic after chest rads Furosemide 5 mg PO BID (wt 5 lbs 7 oz) Potassium gluconate 2 mEq PO SID Metronidazole 625 mg PO SID x 2 weeks
Ike Recheck Scheduled for 1 week Echocardiogram Electrolytes Abdominal US UPC bile acids Fluid analysis if ascites fails to resolve
Ike Recheck – 1 week - Exam Ike tremendously improved Weight gain of 5 ounces Ascites has resolved Hepatomegaly no longer present P 160, RR 28, BP 110 Haircoat seems improved 2/6 systolic murmur loudest at the sternum No open mouth breathing or inc RR when stressed
Ike Recheck – 1 week - Diagnostics Electrolytes – K 2.7 Albumin (normal) ALT (n ) Bili UPC – 0.5 Bile Acids (fasting) - 157
Ike - Echo Short Axis – LV Apex Mild pericardial effusion Short Axis – LV PM Mild pericardial effusion LV subjectively thick No evidence of pericardial hernia
Ike - Echo Short Axis – LV PM IVSTD – 10.2 (n 3-6) LVIDD – 14.1 (n 10-21) LVPWD – 6.95 (n 3-6) IVSTS – (4-9) LVIDS – 3.5 (n 4-10) LVPWS – 9.6 (n 4-11) FS – ( )/14.1 = 74.5% EF = 98%
Ike - Echo Short Axis – LV MV EPSS – 2 mm Short Axis – LA/RVOT RVOT looks subjectively enlarged LA and LA normal LA/Ao = 11.1/8.8 = 1.26 (normal)
Ike - Echo Short Axis – PA Enlarged main pulmonary artery RV enlarged Long Axis – 4 Chamber No apparent enlargement of LA LV thickened
Ike - Echo Long Axis – LVOT No apparent enlargement of LA LV thickened
Ike - Echo Abdominal US No fluid present in the abdomen Main bile duct tortuous Pancreas normal Did not do liver aspirate because Ike would not tolerate it without general anesthesia
Ike - Echo Treatment - Update Finish metronidazole, then start milk thistle Increase Kgluconate to 2 mEq PO BID Continue furosemide 5 mg PO BID Add enalapril 1.25 mg PO SID –Recheck BUN/lytes 5 days –If OK, inrease to BID –Recheck BUN/lytes 5 days Laxatone PRN for constipation Recheck echo, chest rads in 6 months or sooner if RR > 40 at rest Ike died acutely just prior to his 6 month recheck
Pericardial Effusion Clinical Features DDx –Pericarditis –Chronic CHF –Blood – left atrial tear, HSA, coagulopathy –Pericardial cyst –Idiopathic –50% are neoplasia – carefully look at RA ECG – electrical alternans
Pericardial Effusion Echocardiographic Abnormalities Careful not to confuse pericardial fat with pericardial effusion –Look at relative echogenicity Careful not to confuse normal anechoic structures with pericardial effusion –Descending aorta –Enlarged left auricle
Pericardial Effusion Echocardiographic Abnormalities Careful to distinguish pericardial from pleural effusion –Pericardium not visualized with pleural effusion –Collapsed lung lobes may be seen with pleural effusion (look like liver in US) –Careful not to confuse with liver in a peritineopericardial diaphragmatic hernia Heart may swing back & forth in the pericardium
Pericardial Effusion Echocardiographic Abnormalities Cardiac tamponade –Compression of RV –Diastolic collapse of RV –IVS may be flattened with paradoxical motion –Pericardiocentesis is imperative –Aggressive diuresis will reduce preload Evaluation of heart base tumor prior to pericardiocentesis will be more thorough
Pericardial Effusion VideoVideo Pericardial Effusion VideoVideo Pleural Effusion VideoVideo Consolidated Lung Lobe VideoVideo Normal thorax VideoVideo Mediastinal Mass
Hank Signalment 10 week old male schnauzer Chief Complaint Loud heart murmur heard on examination for routine vaccinations Suspect congenital heart defect
Hank Exam mm pink, CRT 2 sec 4/6 ejection murmur loudest at left heart base Mild superficial pyoderma
Hank Exam mm pink, CRT 2 sec 4/6 ejection murmur loudest at left heart base Mild superficial pyoderma
Hank Initial Differential Diagnoses Pulmonic stenosis Aortic Stenosis Initial Diagnostic Plan Chest x-rays EKG Echocardiogram
Hank Thoracic radiographs Dorsally elevated trachea Vertebral heart score 9.5 Right heart enlargement Right auricular/atrial enlargement Distended caudal vena cava Bulge at main pulmonary artery
Hank EKG Tall P waves ( mV) RA enlargement Deep S waves in leads I, II and III (-13 to -15 mV) RV enlargement Tachycardia bpm Under buprenex-ace sedation
Hank - Echo Short Axis – LV Apex RV seems thickened Short Axis – LV PM, MV, Ao/RVOT RV as thick as LV – markedly thickened IVS is flattened
Hank - Echo Short Axis – PA MPA dilated RV as thick as LV – markedly thickened Long Axis – 4 Chamber Aberrant septum dividing RA into 2 chambers – cranial and caudal Long Axis – LVOT RV as thick as LV – markedly thickened
Hank - Echo Diagnosis Likely Pulmonic Stenosis DDx RV thickening –Heartworms impossible in a 10 week old puppy –Pulmonary hypertension rare in a 10 week old puppy Need Doppler to confirm, and to determine gradient Cor triatriatum dexter
Hank - Echo Plan – updated Referral to TAMU for ballon valvuloplasty Atenolol 0.5 mg/kg PO BID (monitor weight to increased dose PRN until cath procedure)
Pulmonic Stenosis Clinical features Many breed predispositions –Bulldog, chihuahua, Beagle, Cavalier Often valvular and subvalvular Valvular defect can be corrected by valvuloplasty Prognosis varies, depending on severity –Mild – less than 50 mm Hg gradient –Moderate – mm Hg –Severe - >100 mm Hg Can be progressive
Pulmonic Stenosis Clinical features Bulldogs can have left coronary artery anomaly, which can preclude balloon valvuloplasty Arrhythmia is much more common than RHF May be part of Tetralogy of Fallot –PS –RV hypertrophy –VSD –Overriding aorta
Pulmonic Stenosis Echocardiographic abnormalities RV thickening Post-stenotic dilitation of MPA Pulmonic valve may be thickened with poor movement Paradoxical septal motion may be noted in severe cases