Cocaine By: Isaiah Carmichael Core 2 5/21/12
What does it look like What does cocaine look like? What does cocaine look like? Usually solid as a fine white powder that is powerfully addictive. Cocaine can be snorted and dissolved in water and ejected. Cocaine originates from cocoa leaves hence the name cocaine. On the street the names for cocaine are coke, C, blow, snow, flake. Some times they melt the cocaine in a spoon with a lighter. Usually solid as a fine white powder that is powerfully addictive. Cocaine can be snorted and dissolved in water and ejected. Cocaine originates from cocoa leaves hence the name cocaine. On the street the names for cocaine are coke, C, blow, snow, flake. Some times they melt the cocaine in a spoon with a lighter.
How can you abuse it You can abuse this drug by snorting it, smoking it, and injecting this drug with a needle. People who use this drug have a greater risk for contracting HIV’s. Cocaine related deaths are often a result of cardiac arrest or a seizure followed by respiratory arrest. You can abuse this drug by snorting it, smoking it, and injecting this drug with a needle. People who use this drug have a greater risk for contracting HIV’s. Cocaine related deaths are often a result of cardiac arrest or a seizure followed by respiratory arrest. It was estimated that in 2010 that there were 1.5 million cocaine users aged 12 or older. It was estimated that in 2010 that there were 1.5 million cocaine users aged 12 or older.
What are the side affects The side affects of cocaine have different reactions in different places like the nervous system, cardiovascular, respiratory, ocular, and gastrointestinal. The nervous system side affects are nervousness, restlessness, excitement, tremors, and seizures. The side affects of cocaine have different reactions in different places like the nervous system, cardiovascular, respiratory, ocular, and gastrointestinal. The nervous system side affects are nervousness, restlessness, excitement, tremors, and seizures. The cardiovascular system side affects or symptoms are vasoconstriction with small doses of cocaine and increased heart rate with moderate doses of cocaine. The cardiovascular system side affects or symptoms are vasoconstriction with small doses of cocaine and increased heart rate with moderate doses of cocaine. The side affects or symptoms of the respiratory system are having included fatal respiratory system failure secondary to the depression of the central nervous system. The side affects or symptoms of the respiratory system are having included fatal respiratory system failure secondary to the depression of the central nervous system. The side affect or symptoms with the oculars include sloughing of the corneal epithelium, clouding, pitting, and corneal ulceration. The side affects or symptoms of the gastrointestinal symptoms are just vomiting The side affect or symptoms with the oculars include sloughing of the corneal epithelium, clouding, pitting, and corneal ulceration. The side affects or symptoms of the gastrointestinal symptoms are just vomiting
How is cocaine made Cocaine (benzoylmethylecgonine) is a crystalline tropane alkaloid that is taken from the leaves of a cocoa plant. The name “cocaine” comes from the plant and a alkaloid suffix- ine. Which makes the word cocoa= coc and the suffix = ine which put together equals cocaine. Cocaine (benzoylmethylecgonine) is a crystalline tropane alkaloid that is taken from the leaves of a cocoa plant. The name “cocaine” comes from the plant and a alkaloid suffix- ine. Which makes the word cocoa= coc and the suffix = ine which put together equals cocaine.
How does cocaine get you high How does cocaine get you high? Cocaine gets you high by messing with your nervous system and that in turn get your high. How does cocaine get you high? Cocaine gets you high by messing with your nervous system and that in turn get your high.
How does it ruin your life Cocaine is a powerfully addictive drug that once you get hooked on it, it is almost impossible to get off cocaine. So you have to keep on going back to the drug dealers that basically get your pay check until you are flat broke and in debt and eventually have to start stealing money to supply your habit. Then you start hallucinating. You start seeing and feeling things and most of the time these things are called coke bugs an what happens is that the “coke bugs” start crawling all over the cocaine users body and he or she will start picking or scratching there body but mostly the persons face. If the user continues using crack he or she may even start hearing things Cocaine is a powerfully addictive drug that once you get hooked on it, it is almost impossible to get off cocaine. So you have to keep on going back to the drug dealers that basically get your pay check until you are flat broke and in debt and eventually have to start stealing money to supply your habit. Then you start hallucinating. You start seeing and feeling things and most of the time these things are called coke bugs an what happens is that the “coke bugs” start crawling all over the cocaine users body and he or she will start picking or scratching there body but mostly the persons face. If the user continues using crack he or she may even start hearing things
How do you get off crack Getting off crack is hard the person needs some one to live with and help them get new habits and to help them slowly off it. And sometimes the person may need special medical attention. Getting off crack is hard the person needs some one to live with and help them get new habits and to help them slowly off it. And sometimes the person may need special medical attention.
Does it affect other people Does it affect other people? Doing crack with a needle is the easiest way to get HIV’s and if you have loved ones at home your could be spreading it to them so think twice before you do crack Does it affect other people? Doing crack with a needle is the easiest way to get HIV’s and if you have loved ones at home your could be spreading it to them so think twice before you do crack
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