Review of MAMA WP 1 Activities July January 2004 Aldo Drago MedGOOS Executive Secretary IOI – Malta Operational Centre University of Malta Tel/Fax : +356 –
MAIN WP 1 Activities Task Country profiles on the current capabilities in pre-operational ocean observations and forecasting - Inventory on marine monitoring activities
Questionnaire entries by country CountryEntriesCountryEntries Spain13Greece3 France13Cyprus2 Italy6Turkey4 Malta5Lebanon2 Slovenia2Israel1 Croatia7Egypt2 Bosnia & Herzegovina3Tunisia1 Yugoslavia1Algeria1 Albania1 TOTAL ENTRIES = 67
MAIN WP 1 Activities Task Updating + new entries - Cross-checking between Inventory entries and profile info - Classified into tables
MAIN WP 1 Activities Assessment Reports - Prioritisation of the capacity building actions according to technical gaps and users' needs - Report on Capabilities in pre-operational ocean forecasting in the Mediterranean - Monitoring Strategies, Quality Control Procedure and Dissemination of Operational data
WP1 - Interface
Key to MeDir-OP Key to MeDir-OP One comprehensive database difficult… …large variety of info and relatively few entries for useful correlations between parts Opt for specific databases institutes institutes monitoring programmes monitoring programmes
Key to MeDir-OP Key to MeDir-OP Visual representation Use clickable layered maps Location of main monitoring programmes Locations of key institutes Positions of buoys Country descriptions of resources (eg human)
Key to MeDir-OP Key to MeDir-OP MAP 1 Country Profiles MAP 2 Marine institutes targeting ocean observations/forecasting MAP3 Research and Monitoring Programmes
MAP1 – Country Profiles → Lists institute/entity names in each country with marine-related activities - Marine centres related to ocean observations/forecasting - Oceanographic data centres - General marine research centres - National Marine Environmental Agencies - Other marine-related entities
MAP1 – Country Profiles → Lists research programmes/projects → Lists ocean modelling activities → Marine Affairs - Ministries/Authorities/Agencies -Coordinating bodies → Marine Sector economy - General description - Economic relevance of marine-related activities
MAP2 – Marine institutes Set of 5 sub-maps Set of 5 sub-maps One for each entity category → Information on each entity - Contacts - Mission - Institute Type - Activity Type - Sectors/Field of Activity -Human resources -- Research and monitoring programmes
MAP3 – Monitoring programmes Set of sub-maps Set of sub-maps One for each category of programme Trend monitoring Ships of Opportunity Sea level observations Wave monitoring Other programmes
MAP3 – Monitoring programmes → Information on each programme - Name of programme - Responsible entity and contacts - Objectives - Geographical Area - Key variables measured - Platforms used - Period of operation - Source of funding - Source of funding
Next steps Next steps Finalise prototype by mid-March 2004 Obtain feedbacks by April 2004 Final version by end of May