Classmate of Honor DAVID By Ashton
David’s Favorites Batter up‼ The hitter steps up to the plate. The pitcher throws the ball. Thwack‼ It’s a home run‼! The Cubs win the game‼! During the baseball season you can see my classmate David out on the field. After a long and tiring game when he comes home, you can find David watching his favorite TV show Quest. He might be also watching his favorite movie Future Roma with his dad and Steff. When he’s done watching his TV show or movie, he might go into his room and start drawing or painting and letting his imagination run lose on the canvas where he paints with turquoise the most because it’s his favorite color.
What David Wants If David could have any two things in the world, the first thing he would want is his own amusement park. He wants to have fun every day and he is a kid so he wants to have fun. The second thing David wants is a very talented hamster. A new hamster would remind him of his old hamster who passed away. He can play and have days of fun with his hamster. I think David likes moving around because he would move around at the amusement park and with his hamster. These are the two things David wants most in the world.
Where David Wants to Go If David could travel anywhere in the world he would travel to Poland. He wants to go to Poland because he wants to learn more of the Polish language. He also wants to go to Poland because he wants to learn how they dress. The last reason David wants to go to Poland is because he wants to taste their delicious food. That is why my colleague David wants to go on a road trip to Poland.
David’s Funniest Picture The funniest thing David has ever seen is a picture on Google images. The picture is a kitten holding a rifle and above his head in a speech bubble it said, “Kaboom‼!” He thinks it is funny because he loves kittens and cats. He is also a big fan of weaponry. This makes David laugh out loud.
Super Power If David could have any super power in the world he would want to have the power of cloning. He wants this power so he can clone himself and send his clone to school while he stays home. He also wants the power of cloning so he can clone his old hamster so he would always have a copy of it. It would live forever, and ever. He must really love his old hamster.
Proudest Moment David’s proudest moment is when he got a bronze medal with his baseball team. His favorite thing he did while playing is throwing the ball. It was the second thing he had ever won. David said it was more fun than the first thing he had because he was with friends and family. Twelve people on his team and two coaches that he knew and he had fun with. They were all winners, for the bronze medal and in their heart. That is David’s proudest moment and why. I think David is a balanced person because he works his hardest. He plays the hardest he can to lead his team to victory. I also think David is reflective. He shows how he can improve his game style and the way he plays. These are the characteristics of my good friend David.