Unpacking the Math Standards Session 3 Dwayne Snowden & Michael Elder Richlands Area: January 5 Jacksonville Area: February 2 Southwest Area: February 9 Swansboro Area: February 16
Unpacking Timeline Session 1 English as a Second Language (ESL) Information and Technology Essential Standards (IT) Utilizing the Technology Standards (PPT) Session 2 How to Read Standards Unpacking ½ of the subject area My role as a teacher leader Session 3 Reflecting on Unpacking Unpacking the remainder of my subject area Sharing Information with my school Session 4 Pacing the new curriculum Identifying connections to your CIA Plans TodayToday TodayToday
Session 3 Agenda Updates (10-15 minutes) Between Session Work Assessment Updates Working Session (45-60 minutes) Unpacking your standards Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes) Between Session Work (5 minutes)
Between Session Work Sharing How did your training go at your school (if you have done any training yet)? What have you learned since our last time together? What questions have come up since our last time together? What is your comfort level with: Common Core Standards Unpacking Documents Crosswalk Documents
Core Standards Key Points in MathKey Points in Math (Common Core: About the Standards) Key Points in Math Saving ACRE and DPI Wiki as a Favorite Visit regularly (set a day or two each week) Graphic Organizers (ELA, Math, Content) (Common Core) (Essential Standards) Are you comfortable getting to your standards and resources?
Extended Content Standards For our students with Exceptional Needs
Assessment Update Assessment Unique elements for each area What is tested when High School Sequencing High School Sequencing Smarter Balanced Educational Consortium Exs. Online Testing Information: Online Testing Information: Direct link for Questions:
Summative Assessment Calendar: and Beyond Elementary and Middle Grades ReadingMathScienceSocial Studies Other Grade 3EOG Grade 4EOG Grade 5EOG Grade 6EOG Grade 7EOG Grade 8EOG The Summative EOG Assessments will be developed by NC The Summative Assessment for Reading and Math will be developed by the Smarter Balanced Educational Consortium Smarter Balanced Educational ConsortiumSmarter Balanced Educational Consortium Summative Assessments for Science (Grades 5 &8 and Biology will be developed by NC)
Summative Assessment Calendar: and Beyond High School Summative Assessments Algebra I (based on Math I Standards) Biology EOC English II EOC 10 th Graders will take the PLAN 11 th Graders take the ACT The English 10 Writing Test is now gone because there is a writing component on the ACT The Summative EOG Assessments will be developed by NC The Summative Assessment for Reading and Math will be developed by the Smarter Balanced Educational Consortium Smarter Balanced Educational ConsortiumSmarter Balanced Educational Consortium Summative Assessments for Science (Grades 5 &8 and Biology will be developed by NC)
High School Accountability Model
Math Updates Math FAQs (for math and assessments) s-sequencing/
Unpacking the Math Standards Essential Question for Today: What content will be taught in order to learn the concepts? An individual and/or group process
5 th Grade Example Courtesy of CFE and ME
Unpacking the Math Standards Elementary and Middle Grades: Table to Record Your Findings Table to Record Your Findings Collaborative process between Unpacking Regions We will collect your table, type it up and post to Google Docs so all four Unpacking Groups can share (we will return yours to you too ) High School Teachers (and MS Algebra I) Crosswalk Activity Examining the Crosswalk for Algebra I, Geometry, or Algebra II (What are the major changes and challenges?)
Moving Forward (Rhetorical) How are we differentiating in math for… AIG?EC? How do we Globalize math instruction? How are we/students using technology in the math classroom? What are we reading in the math classroom? What are we writing about in the math classroom? How can we better share ideas for making math content relevant to students?
Between Session Activity Using the Standards that you will teach next year, create a visual that highlights the new content or new topics you will teach starting next year. You may focus on the new content, the new processes, or new skills. Feel free to be creative Create something that will be useful to you, your staff, and/or parents
Between Session Activity: NC Education NC Education Trainings ( ): Call for Change (2 hours for CEUs); Understanding the Standards (7); NC Professional Teaching Standards(7); Designing Local Curriculum(2); NC FALCON (if not already done) NC Education Trainings ( ): Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy; NC FALCON (Student Ownership); Literacy and Data
Between Session Activity GoTo Meetings from DPI for Each Area (Each is 3:30-4:30): Math Dates: January 10 th ; February 9 th ; March 8 th Go to DPI Wiki to Sign Up Go to DPI Wiki to Sign Up Instructional Improvement System (IIS) 1-page Overview of the IIS 1-page Overview of the IIS 1-page Overview of the IIS Smarter Balanced ( Smarter Balanced ( One Pager:
DPI Information DPI WikiSpace for Math (and all content areas) Contact Information (ext ) (ext )
DPI Math Listserv Sign Up Teachers can join the listserv of their choice by doing the following: 1. Send an to the Listserv of your corresponding grade level by cutting and pasting the following address into the "To" box within your application. The options are: requests] [Middle Grades requests] [Secondary requests] 2. Leave the subject line and the body of the message blank. 3. Once successfully subscribed, a confirmation will be sent.
DPI Math Contact Information High School Math: Johannah Maynor at Middle School Math: Robin Barbour at Elementary School Math: Kitty Rutherford at
Upcoming Unpacking Session 4 Dates: Richlands Area: February 23 Jacksonville Area: March 1 Southwest Area: March 8 Swansboro Area: March 15 Questions and Comments