Development of NFR ADD-NFR meeting report UNECE TFEIP meeting, October, 2004, Palanza, Italy
Proposal for splits/extensions (1) 1A2fi: Other mobile in industry (SNAP 0808) and 1A2fii would be OTHER 2C:Metal production (split follows existing CRF) 2C1: Iron and Steel Production 2C2: Ferroalloys Production 2C3: Aluminum Production 2C5: Other (please specify)
Proposal for splits/extensions (2) 3A:Paint application 3Ai: Decorative paint application (includes domestic (SNAP ) and architectural paint use (SNAP ), see EU Product Directive) 3Aii: Industrial paint application 3Aiii: Other pain applications 3B:Degreasing and Dry Cleaning 3Bi: Degreasing (SNAP ) 3Bii: Dry cleaning (SNAP ) 3Biii: Other (please specify)???????
Proposal for splits/extensions (3) 3D:Other 3Di: Printing (SNAP ) 3Dii: Preservation of wood (SNAP ) 3Diii: Domestic solvent use (SNAP ) 3Div: Other (please specify) (Other SNAPs from 0604) 2B5i: Storage and handling of industrial bulk products (SNAP and and other, e.g., cement) 2B5ii: Other
Proposal for splits/extensions (4) 4D1: Direct soil emissions 4D1i: Synthetic N-fertilizers 4D1ii: Animal waste applied to soils 4D1iii: Other 4D2: N-excretion on pasture range and paddock
Proposal for splits/extensions (5) PM sources 2Di: Wood processing (sawmills, furniture) 2Dii: Other production 2A7i: Quarrying and mining of minerals other than coal 2A7ii: Construction and demolition 4Di: Farm-level agricultural operations including storage and handling of agricultural products (harvesting, ploughing, etc. in plant production) 4Dii: Off-farm storage and handling of bulk agricultural products
Proposal for splits/extensions (6) Amendments 2D2: Food and Drink (include emissions from sugar, flour, etc processing, food smoking) 7: Other (include emissions from fireworks, BBQ, tobacco smoking, humans and pets) 4G: Other (including use of pesticides) (There exists already category 4G: Other where a reference to SNAP categories 1006 referring to the use of pesticides are mentioned) 4F: Field burning of agricultural waste (remove in the description ‘Including 5B’) LOST IN TRANSLATION – How to deal with CRF categories that were skipped (e.g., 2E, 2F) from NFR?
Comments A possibility to perform quick search within the Guidebook chapters to identify where certain emissions belong Technical way of implementing changes, I.e modify the current template or add sheet to the template (decision will be taken by the editorial committee and communicated to all experts soon) How to perform update of the guidelines to clarify source association (see amendments) (Brinda, UNECE?)