Important Idea, Skill or Attitude I learned from this course which I can use in my job: The advance facilitation processes (only stage 2: Clarify desired objective, and stage 3: Design intervention) Facilitation problem I want to solve: -Sometimes I misunderstand about the objectives and output of the training course so that I could not meet the participant’s need and I am difficult to design the intervention and measure the progression made by participants after they applied the lesson learnt from the Open Access and Customized training course. Objective: I will be able to -Design the training course that meet the participant’s need and measurable results. - The participant demonstrated the ability to apple the learning points. Learn to Do, Do to learn and Share To Learn
Expected Outputs Progress Indicators ActivitiesTime Table InputsBudgetResponsible Persons The intervention design established and meet the participant ‘s needs. - Can describe the relevant concepts of the course. - Lesson learnt has been use to design course. - Research and review relevant /existing document and experience. July 2011Team member s Training material s. N/AMyself and team Team meeting has been conducted. At least one week before course delivery. - Discuss the design process of the training course with responsible team members. July 2011Team member s Training material s. N/AMyself and team.
Expected Outputs Progress Indicators ActivitiesTime Table InputsBudgetResponsible Persons Participant expressed satisfaction the results of the training course and lesson learnt applied. The course evaluation has been established and used. - Develop the course evaluation form. JulyTeam member s Training material s. N/AMyself and team Participant’ s Action plan has been developed. Guide and coach participant’ s action plan. After training course completed. Team member s Training material s. N/AMyself and team