FEM project in Estonia – achievements for better future Kairi Talves NGO ETNA Estonia
Before FEM project - lack of resources for women Weak gender equality policy and unbalanced regional policy Little awareness on state level about different needs of men and women in business Entrepreneurship policy oriented to growth and creating the new jobs Voice of the male dominated big companies
But women want to have smaller firms - “lifestyle business”... a woman starts a business to create a job for herself and/or her family Lack of start-up resources – self-confidence, money, networks + entering into men’s world Entrepreneurship support system offered by state did not work for women – ‘You need help to ask for a help’ FEM project – survey of female entrepreneurs, , N=604
Positive starting position 65-70% of entrepreneurs are men, but among ‘potential’ entrepreneurs men and women are represented equally
The aim of the FEM project To create a structure for the support of women’s entrepreneurship and to strengthen the role of women in local and regional development
Creating the support structure for women from ‘zero ground’ ‘One door shop’ – WRC is offering support, training, networking, knowledge about mentorgroups, microcredit and internationalisation Pärnu FEM NET Võru FEM NET Rapla FEM NET Tartu FEM NET Jõhvi FEM NET
Achievements in Estonia Raised awareness on state level – soft values in business, niche-entrepreneurship Strenghtened the voice of women in business and regional development Created the structure that meet the needs of women
Achievements in Estonia ~ 800 women were activated ~100 new enterprises and 300 developed enterprises
Something innovative Childcare in seminars and workshops Idea trips to neighbours on local and international level – breaking the barriers Summer schools for female entrepreneurs
Methodology for supporting women Knowledge about women’s needs Cooperation and contacts – synergy between project partners on transnational level FEM as pilot project for Estonia Experiences, success stories, best practices Competence on state level to go on...
Thank you! NGO ETNA Estonia Member of WINNET Europe