Somerset Primary Network Ltd The Effective Subject Leader Sarah Cook
Somerset Primary Network Ltd Aims of this session To explore… The different aspects of your role How to learn about in your school Leading and developing in your school Your next steps as Leader Session 2 follow up and action planning
Somerset Primary Network Ltd Your vision… What are your aspirations for in your school? In 12 months time what do you hope to have achieved?
Somerset Primary Network Ltd What have you done so far? Consider what you have done in the last 12 months? What has had the biggest impact on the students in the school? Choose 2 and write on post-it notes Share the post-its with 4 other people Can you sort them into different categories?
Somerset Primary Network Ltd
The role of the Subject Leader
Somerset Primary Network Ltd
Subject Leader - Monitoring activities Learning environment review/Resources audit Monitoring of planning Work scrutiny Interviews with students/parents Lesson observations Monitoring of assessment Data analysis Policy review Subject Leader Log
Somerset Primary Network Ltd A good self evaluating school Audiences for self evaluation Colleagues/Students/Parents Headteacher School Improvement Partner Governors Ofsted –testing your own evidence –evidence layers
Somerset Primary Network Ltd Achievement and standards should drive all activities
Somerset Primary Network Ltd Learning environment review Sharing objectives and reviewing learning Learning process Positive affirmations Tools and resources
Somerset Primary Network Ltd Planning review Key features of planning: LONG MEDIUM SHORT
Somerset Primary Network Ltd Sampling outcomes Subject specific What are you looking for? What makes good ? What do you need to keep as evidence? Can you evidence progress?
Somerset Primary Network Ltd Student feedback Open questions Oral Draw yourself… Small group Confidential Books and work to share What applies in this setting?
Somerset Primary Network Ltd Lesson observations Agreed focus Undertaking observations for the first time – paired observations and feedback Whole school decisions Giving feedbackfeedback
Somerset Primary Network Ltd Audit of staff expertise in Audit Identifying CPD needs Training log Support… –Before training –After training
Somerset Primary Network Ltd Monitoring of assessment When and how are students assessed? How is this information recorded and evidenced? Is there consistency of approach? How and when do you get the information from teachers?
Somerset Primary Network Ltd Data analysis What sources of data do you use? 1.Looking for patterns… 2.Checking for progress… 3.Checking for underachievement…
Somerset Primary Network Ltd Policy review How up to date is the current policy? Does it reflect current practice?
Somerset Primary Network Ltd Making the links planning review observations sampling environment review data analysis interviews policy resources
Somerset Primary Network Ltd Calendar for a Subject Leader Use a range of monitoring activities to help you to learn about the ‘current state’ of in the school Stage the activities throughout the yearthroughout the year Think carefully about what will you learn from each monitoring activity
Somerset Primary Network Ltd Subject Leader Report Effect on improving standards of Activities undertaken Personal research Courses attended INSET delivered ???
Somerset Primary Network Ltd Knowing Yourself - auditaudit Self management Leadership Communication Decision making Other attributes…
Somerset Primary Network Ltd Next steps forward… Session 2 - Action Planning What will you do in the next half term? What do you want to achieve by the end of the year?
Somerset Primary Network Ltd To the next session Please bring… Your Subject Leader report from last year Your thoughts about developing this year
Somerset Primary Network Ltd Lists…
Somerset Primary Network Ltd Contact Sarah Cook Somerset Primary Network Office: Mobile: