6 th Washington Group Meeting on Disability Statistics COGNITIVE TESTING EXERCISE Question 1: VISION Presented by Helen Laetitia Nviiri Principal Statistician, Uganda Bureau of Statistics UGANDA
Preparations 1) Preparatory meetings with NUDIPU & MGLSD 2. Recruitment 14 Staff was involved in the exercise; –7 interviewers and 3 officers from UBOS –1 Community Development Worker and 1 District Rehabilitation officer assisted by CBR volunteers in the two districts. –1 staff from NUDIPU –2 other members from MGLSD
Methodology and Coverage –Carried out in Tororo & Masindi Districts because of the diversity of languages and cultures –Purposively selected by age, sex, education level, rural/urban, language and disability type. –Conducted in 7 languages (English & 6 main local languages) –81 face to face interviews
Questionnaire Design Some modifications were made on questions on demographic characteristics. Front and Back translation was done (6 languages) Pretested on 4 NUDIPU Board members and UBOS staff. Comments from which were shared with the WG secretariat A one-day non-residential training of interviewers on how to fill the questionnaire was carried out.
Pretest activities…. Pre-visit were made to the districts –To sensitize the district officials about the entire cognitive testing exercise and further seek collaboration to work with them. –To discuss the selection criteria of respondents, selection of respondents and the implementation plan. –The selection criteria included: age, sex, education level, rural/urban, employment status, language and disability type. –CBR volunteers did the actual selection using the set criteria.
REPONSE PATTERNS Percent Error Non error
REPONSE PATTERNS Problematic (11.1)
Field Test Results Total Respondents by Age and Sex Age Groupfemalemaletotal < total364480
Results Education Attainment by Sex (6yrs +) FemaleMaleTotal Attending School5510 Left School In Vacation1 1 Never been to school
Do you have difficulty seeing even if wearing glasses? NumberPercent No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty78.6 Cannot do at all56.2 No answer/DK11.2 Total81100
Cognitive Probes … Do you have difficulty seeing, even if wearing glasses? Why did you answer that way? no diffi cult y some difficu lty yes a lot of difficulty cannot do at all No answ er/DK Tot a l No sight problem Have difficulty seeing Cant read well, use glasses 2 2 Has one eye 2 2 I am blind/ born blind 2 2 Total
Do you wear glasses, all the time, only for certain activities, or none of the time? no difficult y some difficulty yes a lot of difficulty cannot do at all No answer/D KTotal none of the time certain activities32 5 all of the time111 3 Total
Are there any activities that you cannot do because of a problem with your vision? Activ ity no difficult y some difficulty yes a lot of difficulty cannot do at all No answer/D KTotal no yes no answer/DK 1 1 Total
Without your glasses, do you have difficulty seeing the print in a map, newspaper or book? no diffic ulty some difficult y yes a lot of difficulty cannot do at all No answer /DK no difficulty some difficulty46 10 a lot of difficulty cant do at all no answer/ DK Total
Thank you