Plenary Feedback
Conclusions Themes : From disparate activities to coherent creative sector Cohesion, Competiveness & Employment, Territorial Infrastructure, Human Capital, Direct Support Clear Impacts Strategy & Integration Creativity & Creating Value Ecology Powerful Communication Experience economy – empathy values, content
Scope Typology : Classic Investment in Culture Entrepreneurship Cultural Resources – Intellectual Assets & Property Value Creation Improving Human Capita l
Conclusions Session 1 – the evidence & how to demonstrate it City-regions as strategy building-blocks Pride in locality – symbolic centres Adding to attractiveness & generating growth ‘hotspots’ Built heritage – catalyst for regeneration But also effective in tackling social cohesion goals Increasing importance of links with education Evidence : criteria list + Gross value added Key performance factors Quality Better evaluation (ex ante & ex post)
Conclusions Session 1 – the evidence & how to demonstrate it Networking at the level of individual beneficiaries and at the level of intermediaries/transnational dimension Difficulty for many beneficiaries in applying for financial assistance and coping with procedures Role of the media is important in raising awareness of projects Different projects should be linked together to help create clusters Scale – culture clusters can be developed on a small scale – has benefits associated with quality of life, networking, etc Importance of broadband to culture undertakings in peripheral regions Importance of using culture to help create regional identity and sense of place.
Conclusions Session 1 – the evidence & how to demonstrate it Positive outcomes have been achieved but are difficult to measure Culture effective in achieving soft outcomes that are critical to social integration Reducing distance from labour market and employment creation Measuring the social benefits and avoidance of costs of social exclusion (prevention) Reaching individuals that are ‘difficult to reach’ in terms of access to mainstream employment services plus value of culture in promoting non- formal learning Multi-generational benefits (people from a disadvantaged background) Communicating results with decision-makers The need for closer integration of culture into regional development strategies
Conclusions Session II – where are we going ? Lisbon : innovation and competitiveness Innovation and the creation of intellectual assets Addressing competitive weaknesses – diversification of activities - locally generated value Exploiting cultural resources for competitive advantage Better co-ordination with ICT policy Communication - constructing value & social capital Cultural sector ; precarious and low pay
Conclusions Session II – where are we going ? Distinction between culture as an end and as a means Culture and diversity – promoting the social and labour market integration of the Roma, young people, people with disabilities Role of culture in engaging with young people through non-formal learning and influencing aspirations Creation of social capital through cultural networks and communication platforms connecting cultural stakeholders Inter-cultural dialogue promoted through cultural activities Engagement with difficult to reach groups Embed culture more closely in new SF Regulations
Strategy Policy leadership Creating the foundation Sound development Exploiting culture- specific advantages Proper support Flying high
Recommendations Integration/Specific provision Processes : Blockages Financial arrangements Bottom-up processes and engagement Not just a matter of formulation Stressing achievements Outcomes rather than outputs