Launch Pad: Mentoring the Entrepreneur an example of active learning in the Jyväskylä Region Kevin Manninen Manager, Business Development Business in Jyväskylä Programme Jyväskylä Innovation Ltd.
Regional Development in the Jyväskylä Region Projects, Training, Work Placements, Research studies Regional Innovation Companies Regional Development Facilitators: Technopolis, Jyväskylä Innovation, Jykes, others Regional Education Institutions: JAMK, JYU, others
The Purpose of Launchpad The object of this Launch Pad program is to provide new techniques and tools to develop High-Tech business entrepreneurship. After this course participants will have gained an understanding and knowledge of techniques to improve their business planning for the demands of foreign markets. The program culminates in the development of a 15 minute business presentation aimed at investors, financers and potential partners. A dry-run presentation will be given to a panel of local experts at the end of the program.
Launchpad Cooperative Group 1. Sharon Ballard, Enable Ventures, Arizona USA – Originator of Launchpad concept and visiting expert 2. Jyväskylä University – administrator and provides studnts coaches 3. Jyväskylä Innovation – Originator, financer and overseer of the project 4. Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences (JAMK)- provides professional and student coaches/mentors high tech and innovative start-ups from the Jyväskylä Region
How it works Students are assigned to companies: Typically 2-4 students per company Students work closely for many hours with the companies to develop and refine their marketing plans and presentations Companies receive approximately 14 hours of group coaching from the JAMK coaches over approximately an 8 week period. Topics include marketing, finance, and management issues General coaching days: companies and their student mentors meet individually with JAMK coaches and other invited experts ( 1 hour per company) to discuss issues and their progress in developing their 15 minute presentation
Launch Pad Process
Dry Run Presentations Each team presents their business model to a panel of local experts and investors and received feedback
Benefits of Launchpad to the student 1. As a form of active learning, it allows students to put acquired business knowledge into practice 2. It develops communication, organizational and team skills in an actual business environment 3. It increases the student’s self-confidence 4. It familiarizes them with the technological field of the company they are working with 5. The residual effects: networks created with businesses result in additional projects and even jobs for students 6. It looks impressive on a CV
Benefits to the Entrepreneur Receives coaching and direction – but must do the work themselves Enables them to better understand the business process and how the various parts relate to one another Allows the entrepreneur to develop a solid business network Evaluation is an on-going process over 8 weeks
Keys to success Finding the right start-up companies Finding expertise from multiple sources Finding and motivating students Handling the challenges of using student coaches – unique to Jyväskylä Helping them to understand their role as a student coach When an entrepreneur drops out Promoting and evaluating learning Managing the Launch Pad process