European Commission Enterprise and Industry Enterprise Europe Network: Business and Innovation Support for SMEs
Enterprise Europe Network: a network of excellence The largest European network offering high quality business and innovation support services, focused on SMEs For the first time ever, all major players of the business support community join forces to offer a one- stop service for enterprises Implementation of the ‘No-wrong- door’ principle The broadest range of tailored services for SMEs in the EU and beyond
Mission of the Network Business support for SMEs Help SMEs access markets and benefit from the internal market Advice on EU laws, rules, standards Access to finance and funding opportunities Innovation support for SMEs Transnational technology transfer and cooperation Innovation support services, innovation audits, IP advice Increase R&D activities of SMEs participation in FP7 Feedback and consultation: dialogue with SMEs
Serving all regions in the EU27 and 21 countries outside EuropeServing all regions in the EU27 and 21 countries outside Europe Representing nearly 600Representing nearly 600 local organisations (chambers of commerce, technology and innovation agencies, sector associations, regional development agencies, etc) Over 3000 expertsOver 3000 experts Over 2 million SMEs contactedOver 2 million SMEs contacted local events The Network in the EU…and beyond
Unique worldwide coverage Full coverage throughout all EU regions Branches in key markets for EU SMEs (e.g. China, Russia, Japan), many established without funding under Art (CIP) Current coverage of 48 countries: EU27, EEA (Norway, Iceland), Candidate Countries (Turkey, Croatia, FYROM), Bosnia Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Switzerland, US, Russia, China, South Korea, Israel, Chile, Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Armenia, Mexico, Japan.
The Network’s results since 2008 Helped businesses to sign over 4,300 partnership agreements Organised international brokerage events for over 30,000 companies Local events for half a million companies Over 250,000 technology and company reviews, IPR, financing & funding 9000 SMEs consulted via feedback and panels Information and services used by over 2.5 million SMEs
Information & contacts Small Business Portal SBA Enterprise Europe Network