Sex Was God’s Idea God created man male and female Genesis 1: He commanded Adam and Eve to reproduce Genesis 1:28 He instituted marriage Genesis 2:18-25 He honors marriage Hebrews 13:4 Extreme of fornication is wrong 1 Cor. 7:9 Extreme of abstinence is wrong 1 Cor. 7:1-5 Celibacy is OK, but can’t be imposed 1 Tim. 4:1-3
Sex Education for Boys Proverbs 5-7 Solomon passes along his experience 5:1-6 Immoral women are unstable The wrong woman can destroy you socially 5:9, financially 5:10, physically 5:11, spiritually 5: Find happiness and satisfaction with your wife 5:15-20 Do not be deceived by outward beauty 6:23-29
Sex Education for Boys Proverbs 5-7 Adultery is not lust of the flesh 6:30-35 Be wise to the temptations of a harlot 7:1-27 Where and when is temptation? 7:8-9 The attractive attire 7:11 Words to make him feel wanted 7:15 Promise of excitement and joy 7:18 No consequences 7:19-20 Caught in the trap 7:21-27
Sex Education for Girls Song of Solomon A love song and a story that teaches lessons Important to know who is speaking and to whom Act 1 Scene 1 1:1-8, Scene 2 1:9-2:7 Act 2 Scene 1 2:8-17, Scene 2 3:1-5 Act 3 Scene 1 3:6-11, Scene 2 4:1-5:1 Act 4 Scene 1 5:2-6:3, Scene 2 6:4-9 Act 5 Scene 1 6:10-7:6, Scene 2 7:7-8:4 Act 6 Scene 1 8:5-7, Scene 2 8:8-14
Sex Education for Girls Song of Solomon 1:1-2:7 mutual affection for each other 2:8-3:5 mutual pursuit for each other 3:6-5:1 the wedding day 5:2-6:9 working through marriage problems 6:10-8:4 mutual admiration for each other 8:5-14 ratification of covenant of love at her parents’ home
Lessons from Song of Solomon All of the God-given senses are used in love 1:2-4 Responsibility to keep pure 1:6, 8:11-12 Courtship requires patience 2:7 True love will work through problems 5:2-6:9 The greatest is love 8:6-7, 1 Cor. 13:4-7 Character triumphs over sensual love 8:8-12 A type of Christ and the church Eph. 5:22-33 He is seeking you Rev. 3:20, Luke 15:1-7 Will you seek Him? Heb. 11:6, Acts 3:19, 2:38