Welcome Back To School!!! Mr. Wingard Math 8 Room 334 Please sit down quietly at the desk of your choice.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome Back To School!!! Mr. Wingard Math 8 Room 334 Please sit down quietly at the desk of your choice.

Roll and Handouts

My Goal! For some strange reason, I like you. I want you to do well. I will do everything in my power to help you succeed. What ’ s the catch?

Can you guess the fake? I once won tickets to a super bowl. I used to own a video game store. I have an autographed T-Shirt of Johnny Depp. I played soccer in the Los Angeles Coliseum.

My Hobbies Sports Games Fantasy Football Reading Movies

Class Rules No student will prevent me from teaching! No student will prevent another student from learning.

Seating Information We will have a seating chart within the next few days. The seating chart will be changed from time to time at my discretion. If you wish to leave your seat, please raise your hand first.

Supplies Pencils (mechanical preferred) – NO PENS! Erasers Spiral Notebook Standard Lined Paper

Grading Tests and Quizzes – 50% Workbook – 20% Accelerated Math – 20% Participation and effort – 10%

Late Work Absences – Days Missed plus one to get work in. Check MrWingard.com for daily assignments. Late homework accepted up to two days late. Assignments are only worth 60% if late.


Daily Routine  Enter class quietly, write down agenda in planner, and get out materials.  Correct homework.  Introduction of new material, notes, practice.  Begin homework assignment.  Accelerated Math/Enrichment

Last 5 Minutes of Class Pack up materials when instructed. Floor cleaned up. I will excuse you, not the bell.

Discipline Issues MISSING ASSIGNMENTS Talking Tardiness GUM Not Following directions CELL PHONES

When will I ever use this stuff in real life…….