Mrs. Brown’s 6 th Grade Class Welcome Parents and Students!
World Cultures Wish List Construction paper Glue sticks Expo markers Tissues Hand sanitizer Poster boards Colored pencils Pencils Composition notebooks Markers
Contact Information and Resources is my preferred method of communication Class/team website: ll2/ ll2/
About Mrs. Brown Originally from Tallahassee, FL I’ve lived in Vero Beach for 13 years Social Studies Department Chair Core Design Team for the District Married and have a daughter named Hadleigh who is about to turn five and is a joy to our life!
About Mrs. Brown This is my eighth year teaching – two years at GMS, and I have been at SGMS since it’s first year. I teach standard, gifted, and pre-AP World Cultures
Class Content 6 th Grade World Cultures includes a wide range of topics from Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, India, Greece to Rome. Note taking skills, study skills, oral and written expression, map studies, and current events are emphasized throughout the program.
Textbook Ancient Civilizations Textbook - Financially responsible if lost or damaged. - Must be returned or paid for at the end of the year in order to participate in end of year activities.
Materials 2 gb flashdrive 2 composition notebooks – one for each semester Pencils Pens (blue or black ink) Cap erasers Three holed pencil case Colored pencils Glue sticks Handheld pencil sharpener
Grading Procedures Classwork 30% Tests25% Projects 20% Alternative Assessments 15% Homework 10% Extra credit can be earned on tests and projects, but no additional extra credit assignments will be given.
Late Work Late work policy – all assignments are due by 3:15pm on the due date. If An assignment is not turned in on time, you will receive an “M” for missing in esembler gradebook. The “M” will be reflected until that assignment is turned In. However, after the due date, 10% will be deducted. The amount of time given to turn in late assignments and still receive a grade is as follows: 1 st nine weeks5 days after the due date 2 nd nine weeks4 days after the due date 3 rd nine weeks3 days after the due date 4 th nine weeks2 days after the due date
Late Work If a student is absent, they have two days per each day of absence to make up their work. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what they missed and make it up within the appropriate time frame.
Let’s Have a Great Year!