How early should I start?
Plan it like a job
Research your options!
LSAT Test Day!
Test Day Rules
Admission Ticket
Photo for the Ticket
Acceptable Identification
Acceptable Items You NEED a sealed, gallon-sized bag! All items must fit in the ziplock bag such that the bag can be sealed. Contains only: Valid ID Wallet Keys Analog (nondigital) wristwatch Medical or feminine hygiene products (including diabetic testing supplies) #2 or HB wooden pencils A highlighter Erasers (no erasers with sleeves) Pencil sharpener (no mechanical pencils) Tissues Beverage in plastic container or juice box (20 oz./591 ml maximum size) and snack for break only. No aluminum cans permitted. All items must fit in the ziplock bag such that the bag can be sealed.
Prohibited Items
Day before the Test
Don’t Study!
Check the Weather
How to request a transcript?
How do I get the transcript to LSAC?
Transfer Colleges
Be Prepared!
Letters of Recommendation
Who to ask?
How many are needed?
How do I ask?
What to consider: Build a relationship Make sure the letter is positive Talk with the recommender The earlier, the better!
Don’t forget about your grades!
Ask for help if you need it
LSAT Studies/Regular Class
Things to be aware of on test day!
Three Tips for Reading Comprehension
1. Don’t get lost in the details
2. Know your source
3. Start things out right
Three Tips for Analytical Reasoning
1. Avoid Incorrectly identifying a question
2. Be consistent in how you solve questions
3. Avoid testing answers unnecessarily
Four Tips for Logical Reasoning
1. Stay objective!
2. Read the stimulus first
3. Check all of the answer choices
4. Go back to the hard ones
Answer everything!
Next workshop is October 8 th! Topic: Personal Statements and more!