Aston Hall is a very old house Click the mouse for a picture. Click again to move to the next slide.
The first room in the house is a very big hall.
Sir Thomas Holte Hanging on the wall of the hall is a very big picture.
Sir Tom and his family sat at big wooden tables.
You can walk up the grand stairs just like King Charles.
And see where the king ate in this lovely big room.
The king ate his dinner with a knife, plate and spoon.
He may have sat in this nice sitting room.
Or walked in the Long Gallery and found Sir Tom’s squirrel.
The king went to sleep in a very big bed
with a unicorn watching him from up on the wall.
The servants had rooms in a very big attic.
They worked in the kitchen at a table and sink.
And cooked meat on a spit and soup in a pot.
And if you were a bird flying over the Hall you could perch on a chimney but mind you don't fall. Press the back arrow to return to the Aston Hall home page