Vital Statistics (Population Census, Georgia 2002) 4,371,535 (total) 2,061,753 (male) 915, 944 (under 15 years of age)
Main Demographic Indicators Georgia, (Statistical Yearbook) total rate per 1,000 population total rate per 1,000 population number of live birth (rate per 1,000 population) population natural growth (rate per 1,000 population) number o deaths (rate per 1,000 population) ,3 infant mortality (rate per 1,000 population) 91619,775315,8 number of still birth (rate per 1,000 population) 73915,671214,7 number of marriages (rate per 1,000 population) , ,0 number of divorces (rate per 1,000 population) external migration (rate per 1,000 population) , ,8
Statistical Data USSR, 1989 The Abortion/Live Birth - 1,3:1 GAR - 96 (per 1,000 women aged 15-49) TIAR - 3,3 per woman. Georgia
Total number of live births, abortions and contraceptives use rate live births abortions contraceptive users
Trends in the Total Induced Abortion Rate: Survey Estimates and Governmental Sources Induced Abortions per Woman
Total Abortion Rates per Woman – Women Aged 15-44: Recent Survey Estimates in Eastern Europe and Eurasia
General Abortion Rates (per 1,000 Women in Eastern Europe: Survey Estimates and Governmental Sources)
Maternal Health Statistics(2006)
Statistical Yearbook, Georgia 2005 Total number of live birth Abortions Abortion ratio per 1,000 live birth total numberincluding mini abortions ,09159,3849,772717, ,63150,74810,256730, ,59445,1318,391789, ,31145,85810,295857, ,34139,5387,522715, ,30030,0035,867554, ,85123,4035,541447, ,58821,0186,806423, ,82718,3066,549390, ,76514,9515,414319, ,00615,0085,330326, ,03313,9085,143308, ,09313,8345,183313, ,37317,2106,552371, ,02219,7346,710419, ,85621,2047,478443,1
Abortion Rate and Conception Rate ( )
Changes in Total Fertility Rate and Total Abortion Rate Between
Age Specific Fertility and Abortion Rates per 1,000 Women Aged Years ( )
Reasons for Abortion (RHS: Georgia 2005) CharactaristicWantsecond no more children Want to postpone childbearing Socio- Economic Reasons Risk to maternal health Risk to fetal health Partner objected to preagnancy Other Total Residence Tbilisi Other urban Rural 54,5 60,9 67,8 23,4 21,7 16,2 16,9 14,4 13,9 2,4 1,1 1,0 2,0 1,3 0,1 0,6 0,5 0,4 Age group ,7 55,6 80,3 45,6 23,5 4,9 11,1 17,6 12,1 1,8 1,5 1,1 1, ,3 0,0 0,2 0,7 0,2 0,5 0,6 SE Status Low Middle High 69,0 58,8 60,2 14,9 21,3 23,4 14,4 16,4 11,5 0,3 2,1 1,6 0,2 0,9 2,2 0,8 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,9 Pregn. Order First Second Third Fourth Fifth or higher - 13,7 41,4 55,8 75,5 - 65,9 34,8 22,6 9,2 - 16,5 20,2 18,5 12,7 - 1,6 2,5 0,9 1,1 - 1,8 0,5 1,3 0,7 - 0,0 0,2 0,1 0,5 - 0,4 0,3 0,9 0,4
Gestational Age at the Time of Pregnancy Termination. Georgia
Type of Anesthesia Provided During Abortion, Georgia
Location of Abortions % of induced abortions
Prevalence of early and late post-abortion complications: Eastern Europe RHS Survey Data
Early post-abortion complications Type of Early ComplicationsTotalGestational Age (in weeks) <77-12 week Prolonged pelvic pain51,743,754,2 Severe bleeding48,941,151,2 High temperture32,430,932,9 Infecion29,131,728,3 Perforation5,01,66,0 Other problem2,00.0.2,6 No. of Abortions with Early Complications
Contraceptive Awareness and Knowledge of Proper Use (Georgia, 2005)
Overall contraceptive prevalence rate (2005) Any method (Total modern and traditional) 47,3 Any modern method 26,6 Any traditional method 20,7
Specific methods of Contraception (2005) Female sterilization2.2 Male sterilization0 Pill3,2 IUD11,6 Injectables0 Implants0 Male condom8,7 Spermicides0,9 Rhythm9,5 Withdrawal11,2
Social protection of pregnant women and mothers 4 free prenatal visits Free delivery Maternal leave -126 days Maternal leave for woman who adopt baby - 70 days
Abortion Legislation Oreder of the MoH of the USSR No.757 June 1987 Decree of Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia #30/o; March 13, 2000; Tbilisi “Statement for medical indications list of pregnancy termination beyond 12 weeks of gestation.” Soviet Supreme council Decree November 1955 “On the Elimination of Induced Abortion Prohibition” Abortion on request up 12 weeks of gestaiotion Early abortion by EVA
Abortion services Gynecologist Certified Medical Facilities D&C VA MVA MA
Situation in Georgia Law Fertility rate: 10.9/1000 (2006) High maternal mortality rate: 23,0/ (2006) High newborn mortality rate: 15,8/1000 (2006) Stillbirth: 14,7/1000 (2006)
Situation in Georgia TIAR : 3.1 ( RH Survey) Contraceptive users ( Totally ): 47,3 % ( RH Survey ) Modern contraceptive users : 26,6% ( RH Survey )
Project Proposal 1.reducing unintended/unwanted pregnancies 2.improving access to safe abortion services improvement in several of the following: access to contraception to sex education in schools the social protection of pregnant women and mothers
Improving access and quality to safe abortion services To improve the enforcement of laws (beyond 12 week) training of health personnel provision of equipment and supplies (including contraceptives and drugs for medical abortion) Monitoring of abortion services