Services and Algorithms for Sensor Networks: a Theoretical Perspective Nancy Lynch, MIT NEST PI Meeting July, 2003
Project description Identify services useful in sensor networks; define them as problems for theoretical study. –Model them using timed or hybrid I/O automata. –Define cost metrics: Power consumption, communication load, response latency, result accuracy, stabilization time Examples: –High level: Routing, tracking; maintaining data objects –Middle level: Establishing and maintaining communication structures –Low level: Time synchronization, localization Design, analyze algorithms that solve these problems. Obtain lower bounds for the costs of solutions, tradeoffs. High Middle Low
Recent and current work 1. Implementing atomic objects in dynamic networks [Lynch, Shvartsman DISC 02], [Gilbert, Lynch, Shvartsman DSN 03], [Dolev, Gilbert, Lynch, Shvartsman, Welch DISC 03] [Fan, Lynch DISC 03], [Musial, Shvartsman], 2. Topology control for wireless networks using power minimization [Bahramgiri, Hajiaghayi, Mirrokni IC3N 02], [Hajiaghayi, Immorlica, Mirrokni MobiCom 03] 3. Routing and tracking in sensor nets [Demirbas, Nolte, Arora, Lynch] 4. Time synchronization in sensor nets [Chakraborty, Fan, Lynch, Patt-Shamir] 5. Also related: IOA distributed code generation [Tauber, Maroti]
Talk contents January NEST PI meeting, San Diego: 1. Atomic objects in dynamic networks 2. Topology control with power minimization Today: Review and update 1 and 2, and introduce: 3. Routing and tracking 4. Time synchronization 5. IOA distributed code generation
1. Implementing atomic read/write objects in dynamic networks Atomic objects: –Just like centralized shared memory Dynamic networks: –Participants may join, leave, fail during computation. –Examples: Mobile networks, sensor networks. Requirements: –Any participant can read or write. –Atomicity for all patterns of asynchrony and change. –Good performance under reasonable assumptions about asynchrony and change. –High availability.
R AMBO [Lynch, Shvartsman DISC 02] Replicates objects at several network locations. To accommodate small, transient changes: –Uses configurations: members, read-quorums, write-quorums. Read, write operations access quorums, using two-phase algorithm –Allows lots of concurrency. –Maintains atomicity during stable periods. To handle larger, more permanent changes: –Reconfigure –Reconfigure concurrently with reads/writes, no heavyweight view change. –Maintains atomicity across configuration changes. RAMBO
R AMBO algorithm Recon service: –Provides consistent sequence of configurations. –Implemented using distributed consensus. Main algorithm: –Manages reading and writing of objects. –Removes (“garbage-collects”) old configurations. Uses another two-phase algorithm. –Reads/writes may use several configurations. Everything is done concurrently. Net R RAMBO Recon
Recent progress RAMBO II [Gilbert, Lynch, Shvartsman DSN 03] –A new algorithm for garbage-collecting many old configurations concurrently. –Reduces g-c time. LAN implementation [Musial, Shvartsman] Separating data and metadata [Fan, Lynch, DISC 03] –Data is often much larger than synchronization metadata. –In some parts of algorithms, can use metadata only. –Reduces communication.
More recent progress Implementing atomic memory in mobile networks GeoQuorums approach [Dolev, Gilbert, Lynch, Shvartsman, Welch DISC 03] –Mobile nodes implement abstract virtual machines associated with geographical locations. –Main algorithm uses the abstract virtual machines. read write
Remains to do: RAMBO: –More algorithmic improvements, extensions Reducing communication, latency. Choosing good configurations. Backup strategies for when quorums fail. Extensions to stronger types of memory. –Prove corresponding impossibility results. Geoquorums: –Refine, extend the approach –Apply it to more problems
2. Topology control for wireless networks, using power minimization [Bahramgiri, Hajiaghayi, Mirrokni, IC3N 02] [Hajiaghayi, Immorlica, Mirrokni MobiCom 03] Problem: –Create, maintain a multiply-connected global routing structure in a wireless ad hoc network. –Minimize power consumption. Assumes: –Nodes can control their power level, up to some max R. –Power needed to send a message to distance r is r x, where 2 x 4.
Distributed topology control algorithm [Bahramgiri, Hajiaghayi, Mirrokni, IC3N 02] Extends work of [Li, Halpern, et al. 01] Assume underlying k-connected graph G: –Node for each process –Edge (i,j) if and only if dist(i,j) R Problem: For each node i, determine r(i) R such that the reduced graph G r is k-connected, where: –G r has same nodes as G –(i,j) is an edge of G r iff dist(i,j) min(r(i), r(j)), that is, i and j can communicate both ways after power reduction. Try to minimize the r(i) values.
K-connectivity Definition: –G is k-connected iff after removing any k-1 nodes, G is still connected. –Equivalently, k disjoint paths between every two nodes. Motivation: –Want network that remains connected after failure of k-1 nodes.
Angle graphs For angle size , define G to be the reduced graph G r, where, for every i, r(i) is defined as follows: –If every slice of radius R with angle contains at least one other node of G, then let r(i) be the smallest radius with this property. –Otherwise, r(i) = R. Theorem [Li, Halpern, et al]: –If the original G is connected, then G 2 /3 is connected. –2 /3 is the largest angle that works. Distributed algorithm to construct G .
Extension to k-connectivity [Bahramgiri, Hajiaghayi, Mirrokni 02] Theorem: –If the original G is k-connected, then G 2 /3k is k- connected. –Simply divides the angle size by k. Theorem: –If k is even then 2 /3k is necessary. –If k is odd then 2 /3(k-1) is necessary. Extensions of results to 3-space
Recent progress [Hajiaghayi, Immorlica, Mirrokni MobiCom 03] Defined global power consumption measure. Problem: Find k-connected subgraph of underlying graph G that minimizes global power consumption. NP-hard Three approximation algorithms: –O(k log k) approximation, for general graphs, general k. –O(k) approximation (harder). –O(1) approximation, for k = 2, 3, in geometric graphs (distances satisfy triangle inequality). Practical distributed algorithm, for approximation 3. –Based on a minimum spanning tree algorithm.
3. Tracking objects in Sensor Nets [Demirbas, Nolte, Arora, Lynch] Problem: Design a scalable data structure to support tracking and finding mobile objects in a sensor network –Low tracking cost: Based on distance object moves. –Low finding cost: Based on distance to object. –Self-stabilizing, fault-containing Assumptions: –Mote clocks increase at same speed –Motes may suffer state corruptions –Communication time between motes proportional to distance –Objects move from mote to neighboring mote. –Object speed much slower than communication speed. –Hierarchical partitioning service available.
Hierarchical partitioning service [Demirbas, Arora] Higher level clusters have larger radius Clusterheads know children, neighbor, and parent clusterheads
Hierarchical tracking path Based on ideas in [Awerbuch, Peleg 95] distributed directory service. Maintains tracking information with accuracy inversely proportional to distance from mobile object. Constructed on top of hierarchical partitioning service. One tracking path, consisting of clusterheads, from top-level clusterhead to mobile object.
Stabilization and fault containment Tracking path stabilizes after state corruption: –Shrink action, cleans dangling paths –Grow action, corrects and rebuilds upper levels of the path Fault containment accomplished with timing: –Shrink/grow actions propagate faster at lower levels –Erroneous actions (initiated due to state corruption) can be overtaken and disabled.
Find and track operations: Preliminary version Not self-stabilizing, not concurrent Finding the object: –Query clusterheads and their neighbors at increasingly higher levels until the tracking path is found. –Then follow tracking path to the object. Tracking –Propagate information about object location up the partition hierarchy until it meets the tracking path. –Clean out the old portion of the tracking path below this point. –A complication: Lateral links Created when the mobile object crosses cluster boundaries Designed to prevent non-local updates to tracking path
Remains to do: Extend stabilization actions (shrink/grow) to account for lateral links. Handle concurrency between find operations and object moves. –Additional bookkeeping required to guarantee that find succeeds. –Quantify speed assumptions to guarantee successful find Extend to variable message delay model. –Tradeoff between information maintained and time to find target.
4. Time synchronization in Sensor Nets [Chakraborty, Fan, Lynch, Patt-Shamir] Synchronized time needed: –To schedule broadcasts, avoiding collisions. –To generate timestamps for events, for coordinated event processing. Goals: –When external source (GPS) is available, motes should synchronize their times with it. –Otherwise, just synchronize with each other. –Closer motes should achieve closer synchronization. Useful for local broadcast collision resolution. –Fault-tolerant –Easy to implement, energy efficient
Basic algorithm Mote has hardware clock subject to drift rate ρ Computes local time local[curr]: –Starts with curr = 0, local[curr] = hardware clock. –Runs local[curr] at rate of hardware clock. –When it hears GPS time has reached t > local[curr]: Stops local[curr]. Increments curr. Sets local[curr] := t. Runs new local[curr] at rate of hardware clock. Computes synchronized time: –Motes exchange local[curr] values, using synch messages. –Motes remember local[j] for other nodes j –Mote’s synchronized time is maximum known local time.
Properties Time synchronization properties –Bound on skew with respect to real time: ρT, where T = time between GPS inputs –Bound on skew with respect to each other: (1 + 2ρ) S, where S = time between synch messages –Additive error term: O(Dδ), where D = network diameter and δ = link delay Gradient properties –For motes distance d apart, replace O(Dδ) error term by O(dδ) Fully distributed, fault-tolerant –Motes don’t need to know each other, topology, no leaders, etc. –Failures have no effect on synchronization Efficient, easy to implement Simulations show good performance.
Remains to do: (For mobile networks) Study effects of mobility on the behavior of the algorithm. Tolerate Byzantine faults Incorporating upper/lower bounds on link delay Optimize message transmission More simulation results
5. IOA Code Generation [Tauber] IOA: Modeling/programming language for describing distributed algorithms and services. –Supports formal verification, simulation. Code generation target: –Java application on networked workstations using MPI. Code generation method: –Model local system services (network interface, console) as auxiliary automata. –Compose user program with auxiliary automata to create node automaton, using “Composer” utility. –Compile each node automaton into Java code for one machine.
Connections with ISIS (Vanderbilt) ISIS: –Graphical modeling tools –Generate IOA programs for NEST-style services –Programs compiled to run on TinyOS Preliminary discussions [Maroti, Tauber]: –IOA models for: NEST services TinyOS compilation target –Comparison/integration of code generation strategies
Future plans Finish our projects on: –Time synchronization –Self-stabilizing tracking –Atomic object maintenance –Topology control Consider other problems: –Maintaining clusters, leaders, spanning trees,… Catalog of I/O automaton specs for NEST services.