The Global Fisheries System Craig Harris Department of Sociology 27 October 2005
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global
Sun + Nutrients = Forage tropical areas of greatest insolation
Sun + Nutrients = Forage tropical areas of greatest insolation ocean topography of continental shelves and banks
Sun + Nutrients = Forage tropical areas of greatest insolation ocean topography of continental shelves and banks riverine transport of nutrients from continental weathering
Sun + Nutrients = Forage tropical areas of greatest insolation ocean topography of continental shelves and banks riverine transport of nutrients from continental weathering upwelling of nutrients
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global –Highly migratory and straddling stocks
Major tuna ports of the world
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global –Highly migratory and straddling stocks –Introduction of exotics
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global –Highly migratory and straddling stocks –Introduction of exotics Tilapia
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global –Highly migratory and straddling stocks –Introduction of exotics Tilapia –Influences on aquatic habitat quality
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global –Highly migratory and straddling stocks –Introduction of exotics Tilapia –Influences on aquatic habitat quality Ozone depleting substances and the ozone hole
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global –Highly migratory and straddling stocks –Introduction of exotics Tilapia –Influences on water quality Ozone depleting substances and the ozone hole –Montreal Protocols on ozone depleting substances
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global –Highly migratory and straddling stocks –Introduction of exotics Tilapia –Influences on water quality Ozone depleting substances and the ozone hole –Montreal Protocols on ozone depleting substances Persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global –Highly migratory and straddling stocks –Introduction of exotics Tilapia –Influences on water quality Ozone depleting substances and the ozone hole –Montreal Protocols on ozone depleting substances Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) –Treaty On Persistent Organic Pollutants
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global –Highly migratory and straddling stocks –Introduction of exotics Tilapia –Influences on water quality Ozone depleting substances and the ozone hole Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) Riverine transport of pollutants
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global –Highly migratory and straddling stocks –Introduction of exotics Tilapia –Influences on water quality Ozone depleting substances and the ozone hole Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) Riverine transport of pollutants –nutrients anoxic zones
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global –Highly migratory and straddling stocks –Introduction of exotics Tilapia –Influences on aquatic habitat quality Ozone depleting substances and the ozone hole Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) Riverine transport of pollutants –nutrients anoxic zone in gulf of mexico –toxic chemicals lead to declines in north atlantic
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global –Highly migratory and straddling stocks –Introduction of exotics Tilapia –Influences on water quality Ozone depleting substances and the ozone hole Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) Riverine transport of pollutants Conversion of shorelines and estuaries
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global –Highly migratory and straddling stocks –Introduction of exotics Tilapia –Influences on water quality Ozone depleting substances and the ozone hole Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) Riverine transport of pollutants Conversion of shorelines and estuaries –tourism and elite residences
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global –Highly migratory and straddling stocks –Introduction of exotics Tilapia –Influences on water quality Ozone depleting substances and the ozone hole Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) Riverine transport of pollutants Conversion of shorelines and estuaries –tourism and elite residences –aquaculture
Mangrove trees stand in mud on roots that look like stilts above water that contains a high degree of salt.
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported –investment in the fisheries
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported –investment in the fisheries Private
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported –investment in the fisheries Private Public
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported –investment in the fisheries Private Public –World Bank
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported –investment in the fisheries Private Public –World Bank –Regional development banks
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported –investment in the fisheries Private Public –World Bank –Regional development banks »aquaculture
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported –investment in the fisheries Private Public –World Bank –Regional development banks –Bilateral assistance
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported –investment in the fisheries Private Public –inputs to the fisheries
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported –investment in the fisheries Private Public –inputs to the fisheries mechanization
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported –investment in the fisheries Private Public –inputs to the fisheries mechanization intensification
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported –investment in the fisheries Private Public –inputs to the fisheries mechanization intensification refrigeration
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing and consumption of fish is globally organized
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing and consumption of fish is globally organized –the uses of fish
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing and consumption of fish is globally organized –the uses of fish agricultural animal feed
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing and consumption of fish is globally organized –the uses of fish agricultural animal feed –poultry
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing and consumption of fish is globally organized –the uses of fish agricultural animal feed –poultry –aquaculture
Why Are Fisheries? For humans to eat For pets to eat To feed to animals, including farmed fish
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing and consumption of fish is globally organized –the uses of fish agricultural animal feed pet food
Why Are Fisheries? For humans to eat For pets to eat
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing and consumption of fish is globally organized –the uses of fish agricultural animal feed pet food human food
Why Are Fisheries? For humans to eat
Why Are Fisheries? For humans to eat Remember the troll who caught the albacore tuna!
Why Are Fisheries? For humans to eat
Why Are Fisheries? For humans to eat
AMERICANS ATE MORE SEAFOOD IN 2002 Seafood consumption in the United States is up 7.1 percent... the 2002 per capita consumption level of 15.6 pounds per person represents an increase of almost one pound from the 2001 level. Of the 15.6 pounds of seafood consumed per person, a record 11.0 pounds were fresh or frozen fish or shellfish, 4.3 pounds were canned seafood, and 0.3 pounds of seafood was cured. Compared to 2001 figures, this represents a 0.7 pound increase in the fresh/frozen products and 0.1 pound in the canned products. The consumption of shrimp (all preparation) achieved a record 3.7 pounds consumed per person. Canned tuna consumption increased by 0.2 pounds.
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing and consumption of fish is globally organized –the uses of fish agricultural animal feed pet food human food aquaria
Why Are Fisheries? For humans to eat For pets to eat To feed to animals, including farmed fish For aquaria
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing and consumption of fish is globally organized –the uses of fish agricultural animal feed pet food human food aquaria recreation
Why Are Fisheries? For humans to eat For pets to eat To feed to animals, including farmed fish For aquaria For recreation Fishing — Fishing continues to be a favorite pastime in the United States. In 2001, 16% of the U.S. population 16 years old and older spent an average of 16 days fishing. Comparing results of the 2001 Survey and the 1996 Survey reveals that the number of all anglers declined 3% and overall fishing expenditures fell 17% — a 16% drop in trip and a 22% drop in equipment expenditures. From 1991 to 2001, the number of all anglers declined 4% and expenditures increased 14%. Saltwater fishing increased 2% (not significant) but freshwater fishing declined by 8%.
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing and consumption of fish is globally organized –the uses of fish –global commodity chains
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing and consumption of fish is globally organized –the uses of fish –global commodity chains unilever
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing of fish is globally organized The management of the world’s fisheries is increasingly globalized
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing of fish is globally organized The management of the world’s fisheries is increasingly globalized –public sector – the transnational state
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing of fish is globally organized The management of the world’s fisheries is increasingly globalized –public sector – the transnational state highly migratory and straddling stocks
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing of fish is globally organized The management of the world’s fisheries is increasingly globalized –public sector – the transnational state highly migratory and straddling stocks united nations food and agriculture organization
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing of fish is globally organized The management of the world’s fisheries is increasingly globalized –public sector – the transnational state highly migratory and straddling stocks united nations food and agriculture organization north atlantic fisheries organization
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing of fish is globally organized The management of the world’s fisheries is increasingly globalized –public sector – the transnational state highly migratory and straddling stocks united nations food and agriculture organization north atlantic fisheries organization inter-american tropical tuna commission
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing of fish is globally organized The management of the world’s fisheries is increasingly globalized –public sector – the transnational state –regime formation
Competing Emphases for Lake Victoria Fisheries Management Regime Biodiversity Production for export Production for domestic consumption
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing of fish is globally organized The management of the world’s fisheries is increasingly globalized –public sector – the transnational state –regime formation –private sector
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing of fish is globally organized The management of the world’s fisheries is increasingly globalized –public sector – the transnational state –regime formation –private sector marine stewardship council
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing of fish is globally organized The management of the world’s fisheries is increasingly globalized –public sector – the transnational state –regime formation –private sector marine stewardship council ecofish
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized and supported The marketing of fish is globally organized The management of the world’s fisheries is increasingly globalized –public sector – the transnational state –regime formation –private sector marine stewardship council ecofish –public-private sector partnerships
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized/supported The marketing of fish is globally organized The management of the world’s fisheries is increasingly globalized –public sector – the transnational state –regime formation –private sector marine stewardship council ecofish –public-private sector partnerships dolphin tuna labeling
The Global Fisheries System The biophysical environment of the world’s major fisheries is global The production of fish is globally organized/supported The marketing of fish is globally organized The management of the world’s fisheries is increasingly globalized –public sector – the transnational state –regime formation –private sector –public-private sector partnerships dolphin tuna labeling retail campaigns
Patagonian toothfish