Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities Welcome New Faculty
Creed INTEGRITY I will practice & defend academic and personal honesty SCHOLARSHIP I will cherish and honor learning as a fundamental purpose of my membership in the UCF community COMMUNITY I will promote an open and supportive campus environment by respecting the rights & contributions of every individual CREATIVITY I will use my talents to enrich the human experience EXCELLENCE I will strive toward the highest standards of performance in any endeavor I undertake
OSC Responsibilities Student Conduct Cases (Rules of Conduct) Admission Clearances Disciplinary Clearances Confiscated ID cards Parental Notification General Counsel’s Memos Class Absence Notice Grade Appeal Process Emergency Notice Messages Deceased Student Forms
Incident Reports Incident Reports = primary basis for student disciplinary cases Information on Incident Report should include: Details regarding specifics of incident What occurred Persons involved Any mitigating factors Reports should be thorough & easy to read Note: be aware that students will read reports
Incident Reports Who can file an incident report? Anyone (Student, Faculty, Staff, UCFPD, OCSO, Faculty, Staff) What can happen? Information Purposes Only Information Purposes Only + Ethics Seminar Initiate Student Conduct Review Process
Cheating & Plagiarism: Consequences ACADEMIC ACTION * Taken by Instructor, Chair, or Dean of College* 1. Counseling 2. Loss of credit for specific assignment, examination or project. 3. Removal from course with a grade of “F” CONDUCT REVIEW ACTION *Taken by the Office of Student Conduct* 1. Suspension (for at least 1 term) 2. Expulsion 3. Permanent conduct record with UCF accessible by other institutions by request. 4. Educational Sanctions. UCF is now using an automated system to detect plagiarism. Be advised that any papers submitted to class can now be checked quickly and easily for evidence of someone else’s work. For more information, visit: Notice of use of must be stated in class syllabus (Instructor Dishonesty Handout)
This assignment is not the student’s own work!
Rutgers University Study finds that 12% of students cheat on a regular basis. UC Berkeley study shows that 15% of one Neurobiology class plagiarized materials off the Net According to a recent article from the AP Business Wire, “Cheat Sites” attract over 2.6 million users each month.
1. Off the Internet: A. “Professional Cheat Sites: a. b. c. School d. Etc. (Last count ~ 200) B. All Internet Web Sites. 2. From their “friend’s files”:
They demonstrate disrespect for the educational process. They don’t use their own creative skills. They don’t develop critical thinking skills. They don’t practice their writing skills. They develop unethical habits. The students who do the work feel ripped off and start to disrespect the system.
The solution to the Problem is - Turn It Student turns in assignment to the teacher’s “mailbox” on the Internet. Teacher is able to determine If the manuscript is plagiarized.
The colors correspond to a list of URLs from where the text originated. The icon indicates the percentage of text taken from another source. The “3” shows the number of cheat sites. Student information 3