Graduate Fellowship Opportunities Steven Conolly, Ph.D. August 13, 2002
REU Schedule Update Fellowship talks first Poster presentations 10:30 to 11 AM today 2 nd Floor Packard at top of stairwell: – Nemil Dalal, Steven Pu, Alan Amaya, Jianbo Wang, Shijun Liu, Jinendra Jain, Ravi Sarin, Irisa Liu, Theo Marentis, Chris Lee August 20: Blaine Chronik, PhD August 27: REU posters (about 3 pm) End of Program August 30th $1,150 final payment
Poster Information Size: 3 feet high by 4 feet wide Corkboard easels will be provided the morning of August 27 Legible: 66 point for titles, authors; 36 point readable text font, 24 point captions Sections: Background, goals, methods, results, discussion, conclusion Invite your research advisor, group Quality will keep the program funded
Considering Graduate School? Fall quarter senior year you may be applying to lots of graduate programs Decide between MSEE and PhD Stanford undergrads often are supported by graduate school they attend, e.g., SGF
Goals for the Talk Goals for the Talk Consider applying for graduate fellowships – E.g., NSF, Hertz, private foundations Provide some links to fellowship programs Seniors need to do this in the next month Stanford Undergrad Research Program can help – Susie Brubaker-Cole and Marcia Keating
Fellowships Fellowships are scholarships for grad school – Emeritus = retired – Curriculum Vitae = Resume Cover tuition plus about $18,000 stipend – stipend = salary Three or four-year fellowships For doctoral studies and MS
Fellowships: Why Important? Prestigious, competitive Save your research group or family money At Stanford, Berkeley, Illinois, MIT can be hard to get a Research Assistantship Fellowship students have greater freedom to pick their research area and research group Less dependent on group’s grant support
Deadlines FellowshipDeadline*URL AT&TJanhttp:// Bell Labs GRPWJanhttp:// HertzNovhttp:// NSFNovhttp:// NDSEGJanhttp:// Whitaker BMEDechttp:// Incoming seniors need to start process in 1 month
Other Useful Fellowship Links – Stanford Undergrad Research Program (SURP) – UC Berkeley has a useful list of fellowships – Cornell has 325 graduate fellowships listed at
Requirements: same as graduate applications GRE Scores for some Three or more personal recommendations – ask Professor, advisor from your research group Statement of purpose, pick ideal schools College transcripts US citizenship or permanent residency for some Some allow deferral, graduate applications Publications from REU program can help
Treat your references well Treat your references well Give them statement of purpose, transcripts, and all application forms in big envelope – SOP completed in September! Cover letter with deadlines Pre-stamped envelopes They reuse recommendations Remind them a week before each deadline
Review Consider applying for graduate fellowships Seniors need to do this in the next month Stanford SURP can help
Susie Brubaker-Cole and Marcia Keating SURP: fourth floor of Sweet Hall After SURP talks: Posters and food up on Second floor foyer near the front stairwell View posters till 11 AM. Food is up there Get style ideas for the 27 th poster fest
REU Contact Information REU Program Coordinator – Susan Farrell, Packard Research Advisor – Steven Conolly, PhD. Packard 206
Other Considerations Some allow you to defer fellowship Some permit graduate students to apply – e.g., NSF by early 2 nd year graduate school Some permit working engineers to apply – e.g., Whitaker
Some Fellowships in Engineering AT&T Fellowship Program Bell Labs Graduate Research Program for Women Hertz Foundation National Science Foundation US Department of Defense (NDSEG) Whitaker Graduate Fellowships in Biomedical Engineering Many more
Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowships Open to U.S. citizens only Very competitive. Oral interviews $25,000/year stipend (more now) Early November deadline
NSF Graduate Fellowships Citizen or permanent resident $21,500 stipend plus $10,500 tuition Early November deadline 900 awarded out of 6550 applicants EE, Computer & IE 60 BME 83
Whitaker Biomedical Engineering Biomedical engineering $19,500 for 12 months Early November US Citizen or permanent resident
DOD-National Defense and Science Engineering Fellowships Website: U.S citizen (no permanent resident) January 15, 2003* 170 fellowships were awarded in 2002 $24,000 stipend for 3 years