1 Improvement over the old : Dcount, DSum and DAverage Functions)
Summarizing Data Conditionally Tests for a condition (or multiple conditions) before applying a summarization function Calculates values based on the condition Useful for summarizing a subset of data determined by another piece of data Ex. ○ Calculate average salaries for employees in specific cities ○ Calculate Grades by Sex and Race ○ Count the data based on employees in a Department 2
Summarizing Data Conditionally SUMIF which is also called a conditional sum =SUMIF(range,criteria[,sum_range]) 3 COUNTIF which is sometimes referred to as a conditional count =COUNTIF(range, criteria) AVERAGEIF to calculate the average of values in a range that meet criteria you specify =AverageIF(range, criteria[,average_range])
Summarizing Data Conditionally SUM_Range and AVERAGE_Range are the columns of data values to summarize. If left out, it uses the column defined in the RANGE. 4 RANGE: Is the rows that are being compared to the CRITERIA CRITERIA: This is a single Value or Cell that is being compared to the values in the RANGE
Summarizing Data Conditionally COUNTIF, SUMIF, and AVERAGEIF only test for one condition If multiple conditions are being tested to calculate a value, use: 5 COUNTIFs SUMIFs AVERAGEIFs
6 Conditional IF – SUMMARY FUNCTIONS Payroll Record 5 Management continues to be impressed by your skills with Excel and they now want a summary report by Department of the data in the Payroll Record Worksheet The CountIF formula has been done for you. You need to add the formulas for the other totals Be careful with Relative and Absolute Cell ranges when creating/copying your formulas.
7 CONDTIONAL SUMMARY STUDENT GRADES3 The Student Grades3 workbook has details for students by : Grade, Sex and Race Conditional IF formulas can be defined to look at more than one variable to decide how to add, count or average the data. Some Formulas have been done for you to Count and find the Average Math and Average Average Score. You can add the formulas for the Average Science and Average English Scores. The [Formulas] {Define Names} was used to define the columns of data that would be used for the selection criteria. This eliminates the need to use the Absolute Cell Reference to Define the Range of data and the “Name” of the range is easier to understand than cell addresses. Use the [Formulas] {Name Manager} to see the defined named ranges
Summarizing Data Conditionally The COUNTIFS function counts the number of cells within a range that meet multiple criteria COUNTIFS(criteria_range1,criteria1[,criteria_range2, criteria2...]) The SUMIFS function adds values in a range that meet multiple criteria SUMIFS(sum_range,criteria_range1,criteria1[,criteria _range2, criteria2...]) The AVERAGEIFS function calculates the average of values within a range of cells that meet multiple conditions AVERAGEIFS(average_range,criteria_range1,criteria 1[,criteria_range2, criteria2...]) 8 Notice the AVERAGE_Range and SUM_Range are at the beginning of the formula rather than at the end