Women’s Political Participation in the EE and CIS Emerging Themes and Issues Klelija Balta BRC Gender Practice United Nations Development Programme
Geopolitical Map of Women’s Political Participation in EECIS Region in 1989
Geopolitical Map of Women’s Political Participation in EECIS Region in 1994
Geopolitical Map of Women’s Political Participation in EECIS Region in 2008
Women’s political Participation in EECIS Region 1989, 1994 and 2008
What do the figures show?
The UNDP Report on Women and Government in the EECIS will analyze the causes for women’s low political participation and propose concrete actions to address them The Report will build on desk top research and surveys as well as UNDP Roundtables held in Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Poland, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Georgia together with an International Conference to be held on ‘Women and Governance’ in Istanbul in December 2008.
Going below the figures
Thematic Area One: Political Parties How to ensure women’s representation in political parties
Some questions At national and local levels, how democratic and transparent is women’s inclusion in decision making? How are women overcoming barriers to women’s political participations inside political parties? How have parties introduced programmes for women’s rights and gender equality? What is the actual commitment of political parties for a gender policy (women’s wings, programmes etc)? What have been the guarantees for implementation? Do quotas work? What are the successes? What are the hindrances? Can women work across political parties for gender equality? When it is tried does it work? Is it a good strategic method. (IE Do women’s councils/women’s caucauses work? Are their agendas mainstreamed?
Thematic Area Two: Legislation Acquiring and implementing gender equity Legislation
Some questions How effectively is equal opportunity legislation being drawn up and being implemented? What are the most important gender equality mechanisms to have in place (including legislation on domestic violence and public care systems ) What opportunities are being created in the EU accession process and the acquis communautaire? What opportunities for the improvement of women’s situation? Women in the region have been slowly increasing their share of political posts during the last decade, because of the adoption of acquis communautaire (the body of EU legislation) what difference has that made for women in the region?
Thematic Area Three: Going Beyond the Numbers Towards a 50/50 share of political economic and social power
Some questions What are the conditions and norms that need to change the ‘democratic deficit’ for women and put in place a gender equitable sustainable democracy? How is the growing return to traditionalism/fundamentalism, leading to discrimination gender based violence etc. combated in the region How are masculine norms, values and practices being broken down? How are gender-sensitive norms, values and practices that include women and women's needs, interests and perspectives in governance put in place? What are the resources required to ensure labour rights, social security, credit for women etc. What are the impacts of land reform and privatization?
Thematic Area Four: An Enabling Environment Building support for women’s rights, gender equality and empowerment
Some questions How is mainstream media engaged as a critical factor in changing discriminatory information and images of women. How are trade unions engaged in ensuring more equal participation of women? How are the private sector, international donors and ‘international’ (western) women’s groups work engaged in building an enabling environment in the region? How are women’s civic groups engaging with the youth movement? And in the work towards gender equality how is the treatment of women in minority groups taken into account?
Thematic Area Five: Civil Society working at local, national and regional level for women’s political participation
Some questions How are women’s organizations incorporated into political processes at local and national levels? What is working, what can be improved? How are women’s organizations involved in gender equality and women’s rights issues in the region operating at local, national and regional level? How are governments collaborating with women’s movement and women’s activist groups when addressing policy issues regarding women’s political participation? What is working, what can be improved? How are women’s organizations incorporated into political processes at local and national levels? What is working, what can be improved?