Environmental Protection by Design: Restructuring Human Systems for Sustainability “The loftier the building the deeper must the foundation be laid.” - Thomas A. Kempis
Three Revolutions Agricultural Revolution A long, progressive shift from hunting and gathering to subsistence-level farming to a system of progressively more mechanized farming, starting around 10,000 B.C.E. Industrial Revolution The shift from manufacturing goods by hand to machine manufacturing powered by coal, oil, and natural gas.
Sustainable Revolution The gains made during the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions did not come without environmental costs, which include pollution, habitat destruction, and species extinction. Today, people are recognizing that changes are needed to create a sustainable society. This chapter outlines systems reform, gives an overview of the key systems that support our lives, and ends with a discussion of ways to revamp systems for sustainability.
Human Settlements: Networks of Unsustainable Systems What did you eat for breakfast? Energy supply system, food production system, waste management systems, manufacturing systems, and transportation systems Tying these all together are economic, governmental, informational, and educational systems Invisibility makes it hard to see how the systems that support our lives are unsustainable.
What’s wrong with human systems? 1.They produce levels of pollution that exceed the environment’s capacity to absorb and render them harmless 2.They deplete finite nonrenewable resources 3.They use renewable resources, like forests, faster than they can be replenished
The Challenges Ahead The first challenge is to modify or retrofit what already exists. The second challenge occurs with new building. As technology advances, we must create new, sustainable components that incorporate the best materials and designs to minimize resource demand and impact. Examples include mass transportation and alternative homes
Light Rail Packed Tire Home Straw Bale Home
Making Systems Sustainable We must stabilize our population. We must better manage how we grow. We must use resources much more efficiently. We must turn to clean, renewable energy. We must recycle and manufacture with recycled goods. We must restore natural systems We must manage resources sustainably
Principles of Sustainable Development Systems Conservation Recycling and Composting Renewable Resources Habitat Protection, Restoration & Sustainable Management Growth Management Transportation Buy fuel-efficient car Carpool Housing and other buildings Build home w/ recycled material Build a compost bin Build compact cities Create urban Growth Boundaries Agriculture, food processing and distribution Use biodiesel in farm machinery Wind generators for electricity Business Match gifts to conservation groups Protect native plants during land development