Towards a Virtual Institute for Research into eGovernment Prof. Zahir Irani & Dr Tony Elliman Information Systems Evaluation and Integration Group School.


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Presentation transcript:

Towards a Virtual Institute for Research into eGovernment Prof. Zahir Irani & Dr Tony Elliman Information Systems Evaluation and Integration Group School of Information Systems, Computing & Mathematics Brunel Business School

12 Sept 2006VIEGO Presentation - SmartCard Networking Forum2 Agenda Some Background to VIEGO VIEGO Research Project  Rational  How it will work  Aim and Objectives  Project Timeline VIEGO Phase 1 Results  Workshops  Terminology  Emerging Themes

12 Sept 2006VIEGO Presentation - SmartCard Networking Forum3 Information Brunel Largest IS department within the EU  53 Academic Staff (8 Professors)  Plus 15 Research & 22 Visiting staff  14 Research centres & >100 PhD students RAE grade 5 (international standing) Main Research Themes  Information Systems  People & Interactivity  Software Technologies & Modelling

12 Sept 2006VIEGO Presentation - SmartCard Networking Forum4 Information Systems Evaluation & integration group 2000: to increase organisational efficiency and effectiveness, through an increased understanding of IT/IS impact on human and organisational processes Core group Prof Zahir Irani & 4 other academic staff eGovernment Integration & Systems Evaluation 2004: to better understand the issues surrounding eGovernment and provide a realistic insight into eGovernment infrastructure planning EPSRC funded research network grant GR/T27020/01 13 universities and 18 industrial or public sector partners

12 Sept 2006VIEGO Presentation - SmartCard Networking Forum5 VIEGO: The Rational -> 2005: £7.4bn spending on implementation time to think time to take stock Areas like eGovernment demand multidisciplinary input from several places Bringing together interested parties in an effective research team A comprehensive set of eGovernment research themes and work packages A Virtual eGovernment Research Institute.

12 Sept 2006VIEGO Presentation - SmartCard Networking Forum6 How it will work A set of connected projects spanning research strands. Each project contributes to several strands of research.

12 Sept 2006VIEGO Presentation - SmartCard Networking Forum7 Objectives Regional meetings and workshops:  To defining key socio-technical research themes.  With appropriate stakeholders I.e. with the knowledge, needs and experience. To develop a consolidated series of recommendations for a coordinated programme of research. To facilitate cross fertilisation of eGovernment knowledge.

12 Sept 2006VIEGO Presentation - SmartCard Networking Forum8 Timeline eGovernment enablement completed in Achieving major and innovative change by Significant enabling research needed before EPSRC decision to fund a ‘virtual institute’ in Consultation on Research Agenda DONE End 2006Formation of the Virtual Institute Mid 2007EPSRC funding review 2007 to 2011 Research within the Virtual Institute

12 Sept 2006VIEGO Presentation - SmartCard Networking Forum9 Participation 5 Workshops (free lunch!)  London, Cardiff, Manchester, Edinburgh, London Participant Led  Brainstorm ideas – then refine questions  Grounded theory analysis of record Informed citizens

12 Sept 2006VIEGO Presentation - SmartCard Networking Forum10 Typical initial questions

12 Sept 2006VIEGO Presentation - SmartCard Networking Forum11 VIEGO Results: A Picture 95 different research questions or issues

12 Sept 2006VIEGO Presentation - SmartCard Networking Forum12 Terminology!! 1990s-2000(ish)  Government on the Web (Internet)  Information – Services – Democracy  Connected (Networked) Government  Divisions G2C, G2G and G2B  Multi-channel Delivery (add call centres)  Transformation, efficiency & effectiveness What is eGovernment?

12 Sept 2006VIEGO Presentation - SmartCard Networking Forum13 “e-Government” in VIEGO the use or provision of ICT, to support:  public services  democratic participation, and  public policy making. VIEGO excludes:  e-Health  e-Learning  Military services

12 Sept 2006VIEGO Presentation - SmartCard Networking Forum14 Other Terminology Problems eParticipation, eDemocracy & eServices  Where does eProcurement fit in? Coordination & Integration  across functions  from front to back office  across levels of government Engagement & Take-up  User participation in IS design?

12 Sept 2006VIEGO Presentation - SmartCard Networking Forum15 Technological Concerns Need for flexible & scalable technology. Impact of technology on stakeholders. Shared services:  Coordination, Integration & Standards Access, privacy and security. Identification and authentication.

12 Sept 2006VIEGO Presentation - SmartCard Networking Forum16 Sociological Concerns Engagement between  citizens  government authorities  other stakeholders A need for a citizen-centric processes. Take up of electronic services  incentivisation Diversity of different socio-economic citizen groups

12 Sept 2006VIEGO Presentation - SmartCard Networking Forum17 Organisational Concerns Interaction  between and across government departments Political engagement  What is the mandate for technology? Coordination and Ownership  of projects and operations Project management  of eGovernment initiatives Management of risk and knowledge  optimising and learning from experience Metrics  evaluating organisational performance and capabilities

12 Sept 2006VIEGO Presentation - SmartCard Networking Forum18 Summary Sustainability  Change and the need for flexible systems that can adapt with demand.  Co-ordination and integration at all levels, from policy and R&D through to exploitation.  Lack of participation and change resistance from all stakeholders. Other points:  Building and maintaining a body of knowledge.  Shared access & integration of infrastructure.  Addressing the UK’s rich cultural diversity.  Security, Privacy, Trust, and Identity management. Questions?