Salford’s Alcohol Strategy
Background Salford’s Drug and Alcohol Strategy Safe. Sensible. Social. : next steps in the national alcohol strategy (June 2007) National Indicator 39: Alcohol-related hospital admissions Salford has the 6 th highest rate in England 2,349 admissions per 100,000 (England average = 1,400) 5,545 admissions per year 10% increase 2005/6 to 2006/7 (England average = 8%)
AIM To reduce the harm caused by alcohol, including harm associated with crime, health, the economy and family and social networks
Strategic Objectives Ensure that those who drink alcohol in Salford are able to do so safely and responsibly Reduce the impact of alcohol on ill health and life expectancy Reduce alcohol related crime and anti-social behaviour Reduce the harm caused to children and young people by alcohol use
Objective 1: Ensure that those who drink alcohol in Salford are able to do so safely and responsibly Background In England 35% of men and 20% women drink over daily recommended limits at least once a week In Salford approximately 58,000 people drink over recommended limits 40,400 hazardous drinkers 13,200 harmful drinkers 4,200 dependent drinkers These figures also include 44,000 binge drinkers (26.4% of adult population) Most people do not measure how much they drink For every 8 people who received advice, 1 will reduce their drinking to within recommended limits
Consumption of alcohol in the UK (per person aged 15+) relative to its price:
Objective 1: Ensure that those who drink alcohol in Salford are able to do so safely and responsibly Action plan Social marketing Provide alcohol screening and advice Lobby Government to address the issues of alcohol pricing and promotion Work with licensees to create safe drinking environments
Objective 2: Reduce the impact of alcohol on ill-health and life expectancy Background In Salford there are approximately 13,200 harmful drinkers and 4,200 dependent drinkers Alcohol accounts for almost 10% of the disease burden in the UK. Surpassed only by tobacco and high blood pressure 54% of women report drinking during pregnancy, with 8% drinking more than 2 units a week In Salford the rate of incapacity benefit claims as a result of alcohol dependence is the 3 rd highest in England In the North West approximately 1 in 12 people with an alcohol dependence are able to access treatment
Objective 2: Reduce the impact of alcohol on ill-health and life expectancy Action plan Expand and improve alcohol treatment provision Provide brief interventions to harmful drinkers Increase capacity in specialist alcohol treatment services Improve alcohol treatment monitoring Extend provision of housing support for dependent drinkers Increase access to supported employment and training for alcohol service users
Objective 3: Reduce alcohol related crime and anti-social behaviour Background Alcohol is believed to contribute to 50% of violent incidents Some areas have introduced data sharing schemes between A&E and CDRPs. In Cardiff this has resulted in a 40% reduction in violent assaults Criminal justice based alcohol interventions are well established in Salford
Objective 3: Reduce alcohol related crime and anti-social behaviour Action plan Evaluate the effectiveness of criminal justice alcohol interventions Establish data collection systems in A&E to provide information about alcohol related assaults to the CDRP Work with licensees to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour
Objective 4: Reduce the harm caused to children and young people by alcohol misuse Background Average weekly consumption of 15 year olds doubled between 1990 and 2000 Among 15 – 16 year olds 1 in 14 say that they have had unprotected sex after drinking Regional surveys have highlighted street drinking and regular binge drinking as areas of particular concern for Salford Support is in place to develop alcohol education in schools There has been a large reduction in the percentage of premises selling alcohol to under age test purchasers The majority of referrals to SMART are alcohol-related Approximately 4,000 young people in Salford live with a parent who is a dependent drinker
Objective 4: Reduce the harm caused to children and young people by alcohol misuse Action plan Provide high quality alcohol education in schools and community settings Provide alcohol education to parents Provide attractive alternatives to drinking for young people Provide accessible specialist support services for young drinkers Continue to conduct intensive intelligence-based test purchasing operations Develop specialist programmes for young people and parents in families affected by alcohol misuse