Student Led Conferences - Portfolio 8th Grade Science James Rivard
Cover Letter
What I Have Learned This Year This year in Science Class, we have spent a lot of the year examining physical and natural sciences that occur in the world around us. We spent the first portion of the year reviewing and adding onto our knowledge of the periodic table along with the atoms, elements, matter, and using the information to solve naturally-occurring circumstances. We took an exam encompassing the majority of the Chemistry topics that we studied from this year and 7th grade, including Phases of Matter, Chemical Change, Physical Change, Bohr Models, Dot structures, Balancing Equations, Names & Symbols, and Groups on the table (Alkaline Earth Metals, Alkali Metals, Transition Metals, Metalloids, Halogens, Nobel Gases). Once that exam was completed, we moved further into Earth Science topics, applying the knowledge of Chemistry and atomic processes to understand the various cycles of changing that happen constantly on and within the earth. First, we began with an astronomy unit to learn about the universe and how earth was presumably formed. After that, we began focusing on the properties and phenomenon that occur directly on earth. We graphed and learned about the ocean seafloor, and began examining different minerals within the earth, using our knowledge of the elements that form and compose them from earlier in the year. We are now looking at the rock and carbon cycles, and researching how the minerals and earth processes contribute to making up the whole of the earth. This year in Science Class, we have spent a lot of the year examining physical and natural sciences that occur in the world around us. We spent the first portion of the year reviewing and adding onto our knowledge of the periodic table along with the atoms, elements, matter, and using the information to solve naturally-occurring circumstances. We took an exam encompassing the majority of the Chemistry topics that we studied from this year and 7th grade, including Phases of Matter, Chemical Change, Physical Change, Bohr Models, Dot structures, Balancing Equations, Names & Symbols, and Groups on the table (Alkaline Earth Metals, Alkali Metals, Transition Metals, Metalloids, Halogens, Nobel Gases). Once that exam was completed, we moved further into Earth Science topics, applying the knowledge of Chemistry and atomic processes to understand the various cycles of changing that happen constantly on and within the earth. First, we began with an astronomy unit to learn about the universe and how earth was presumably formed. After that, we began focusing on the properties and phenomenon that occur directly on earth. We graphed and learned about the ocean seafloor, and began examining different minerals within the earth, using our knowledge of the elements that form and compose them from earlier in the year. We are now looking at the rock and carbon cycles, and researching how the minerals and earth processes contribute to making up the whole of the earth.
Favorite and Least Favorite Aspects My favorite part of science class this year so far is the work that we are doing with the elements and earth processes. It is the bulk of what we are learning this year, but I do enjoy chemistry and natural sciences very much. I enjoyed that we learned about how to use equations, information, and mathematics to solve scenarios of elements and their combined compounds. I also particularly liked the work we are currently completing to learn about how elements and minerals affect and influence earth processes, mainly through labs and discussions. We have learned and researched how minerals affect life, cycles, and properties of various earth materials, which I found to be very interesting and informational to understand when applied with real-life scenarios. My favorite part of science class this year so far is the work that we are doing with the elements and earth processes. It is the bulk of what we are learning this year, but I do enjoy chemistry and natural sciences very much. I enjoyed that we learned about how to use equations, information, and mathematics to solve scenarios of elements and their combined compounds. I also particularly liked the work we are currently completing to learn about how elements and minerals affect and influence earth processes, mainly through labs and discussions. We have learned and researched how minerals affect life, cycles, and properties of various earth materials, which I found to be very interesting and informational to understand when applied with real-life scenarios. I did not particularly like the work that we did with the ocean seafloor and the processes that occur there. I felt that there was still some information I had not learned about and was unclear, and that graphing the ocean floor had not really given me much new knowledge on how the earth functions. I thought that the marine life and different zones within the ocean were not really touched on, and I would have enjoyed the lessons more if we had discussed that area as well. I did not particularly like the work that we did with the ocean seafloor and the processes that occur there. I felt that there was still some information I had not learned about and was unclear, and that graphing the ocean floor had not really given me much new knowledge on how the earth functions. I thought that the marine life and different zones within the ocean were not really touched on, and I would have enjoyed the lessons more if we had discussed that area as well.
Skills and Effort Description
On a scale of 1-5 (5 being highest) rate yourself on your ability to complete all the assignments for class. Why? I feel that I would rate myself with a 5 for this category, because of the hard work that I apply to the assignments presented. I always turn in my homework and projects fully completed, and I think that this is because of the high amount of effort I give to completing all of my assignments for class at home and in school.I feel that I would rate myself with a 5 for this category, because of the hard work that I apply to the assignments presented. I always turn in my homework and projects fully completed, and I think that this is because of the high amount of effort I give to completing all of my assignments for class at home and in school.
On a scale of 1-5 (5 being highest) rate yourself on your class time effort and positive contributions to class discussion(s). Why? I would give myself a rating of 4.5 for this category because I believe that I try hard to add input to a discussion within the class. I know that there are a few times when I do not contribute to a discussion if I do not have anything meaningful to say, but I believe that overall I do provide in a classroom discussion most of the time. I also think that my class time effort is very high, since I feel that I try to work hard and complete the assignments on almost every day that I am present in class.I would give myself a rating of 4.5 for this category because I believe that I try hard to add input to a discussion within the class. I know that there are a few times when I do not contribute to a discussion if I do not have anything meaningful to say, but I believe that overall I do provide in a classroom discussion most of the time. I also think that my class time effort is very high, since I feel that I try to work hard and complete the assignments on almost every day that I am present in class.
On a scale of 1-5 (5 being highest) rate yourself on your ability to work with others in class. Why? I think that I deserve a 4.5 for this section because of my overall effort to work well in a group with my peers. I think that I have gotten along well with most of the people that I have worked with throughout this class, and that our groups have been able to complete our work efficiently and correctly in most scenarios. I believe that I can and do work well with others throughout the projects we experience in class, and I have been very successful in collaborating with others and completing the work our group needs to get done.I think that I deserve a 4.5 for this section because of my overall effort to work well in a group with my peers. I think that I have gotten along well with most of the people that I have worked with throughout this class, and that our groups have been able to complete our work efficiently and correctly in most scenarios. I believe that I can and do work well with others throughout the projects we experience in class, and I have been very successful in collaborating with others and completing the work our group needs to get done.
On a scale of 1-5 (5 being highest) describe items you want to improve upon for next quarter/year. Why? I want to improve upon my work schedule for completing my homework, assignments, and studying for science class. Currently, I think that I am at a 3.5 for this category, because of two main reasons. First, I believe that I do complete my work and assignments with quality and successful results. I have done very well on my homework, projects, tests and quizzes when they do arrive in science class, but I feel that my schedule must change in order to make completing work and studying for exams easier on me. I am able to do most of what I need to be done to excel in science class, but I think I need to make sure that I space out and develop my plans for doing assignments at home more carefully to prevent hours of work and long nights.I want to improve upon my work schedule for completing my homework, assignments, and studying for science class. Currently, I think that I am at a 3.5 for this category, because of two main reasons. First, I believe that I do complete my work and assignments with quality and successful results. I have done very well on my homework, projects, tests and quizzes when they do arrive in science class, but I feel that my schedule must change in order to make completing work and studying for exams easier on me. I am able to do most of what I need to be done to excel in science class, but I think I need to make sure that I space out and develop my plans for doing assignments at home more carefully to prevent hours of work and long nights.
On a scale of 1-5 (5 being highest) describe what went well in this school year. Why? I think that my ability to understand the concepts presented to me and to perform on tests has gone very well for me this year. I would give myself a 5 in this area because I feel very confident with the knowledge and completion of work I have from 8th grade science class this year, and that the tests I have taken have had very good outcome so far. I have really grasped the lessons that we have discussed and enjoyed learning them, which I think has contributed to how I have performed on the tests that have been presented to me in class this year.I think that my ability to understand the concepts presented to me and to perform on tests has gone very well for me this year. I would give myself a 5 in this area because I feel very confident with the knowledge and completion of work I have from 8th grade science class this year, and that the tests I have taken have had very good outcome so far. I have really grasped the lessons that we have discussed and enjoyed learning them, which I think has contributed to how I have performed on the tests that have been presented to me in class this year.