Key Response…… RELIEF & CP 10,500 families received shelter and relief item (NFI-6000 & 4500 emergency shelter) 500 transitional shelter More 7376 families are yet to receive shelter, hygiene kits and NFI Food-260 families CFS- 145 at 9 upazillas in 5 districts (around 7900 children) 124 Pregnant and 314 lactating mothers support under CFS (food, medical etc.) 8 adolescent centers with 200 adolescent girls’
WASH 4.4 million liters of water for families Tube-well- 385 (repair) & 38 (new installed) and repair plat form 120 De-watered 125 ponds (36 PSF) Leaflet Repair & construct 221 HH latrine, 900 emergency latrine construct and plan to do 500 more for 500 transitional houses Jerry cane Water ambulance rescued 267 patients 1060 awareness session by 200 health volunteers Key Responses……
Key responses………. Livelihood Support CfW covered human days Poultry and duck raring support to 2200 families (BDT 1200/per family) Seedling support to 2000 families (BDT 1500) Petty business support to 1000 families (BDT 4000)
Best practice in response… Information sharing to comm. Comm. meeting Hang up the work plan including budget Involve community people & UDMC to select the beneficiaries Ensure active participation of comm. to implement the project (CFS volunteer, facilitators, CFS Management Committee) Thank You