Melting the Ice International Students and UMD Maryland Library Association (MLA) Annual Conference May 4 - 6, Clarion Resort, Ocean City, Maryland Nedelina Tchangalova Reference & Instruction Librarian Engineering and Physical Sciences Library (EPSL)
Welcome to the University of Maryland in College Park!
TOTAL: 37,641 students 26,922 Undergrads 10,719 Grads Fall 2010 Student Enrollment 3, 600 international students (10% of the student population)
The First Days in the US Language barriers Cultural differences Social isolation
The Library Jargon
Library OrientationsInternational Coffee HourEmployment and Mentoring Student s and the Libraries
Sessions’ Length 30 min 60 min Yearly Statistics 170 students 10 sessions Learning Outcomes ACRL Standard 1 ACRL Standard 2 ACRL Standard 5 Library Orientations Source:
ACRL Standards and Student Learning Outcomes Standard Recognize that there are different types of research tools, such as the Libraries' catalog, periodical databases, and the Internet. Identify the different ways to get help from library staff. Develop an awareness for the importance of citing works to avoid plagiarizing. 125
International Coffee Hour
Employment and Mentoring
Conclusions and Recommendations In the classroom Gather background information from students Avoid idioms Limit the use of library jargon Speak clearly and at a normal rate Plan extra time for Q&A Outside the classroom Greet students with a smile Speak first Be patient Learn about student’s country and culture
References Amsberry, D. (2008). Talking the Talk: Library Classroom Communication and International Students. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 34(4), Baron, S. & Strout-Dapaz, A. (2001). Communicating with and empowering international students with a library skills set. Reference Services Review, 29(4), Evans, K. (2006). INTERLINK at Indiana State University: adventures in library instruction for international students. Indiana Libraries, 25(4), Leedock, J. & Roth, C. (Presenters). (2011, July 13). Revamping pre-arrival communications for international students. [Webcast]. Retrieved from intl-orientation.pdfhttp:// intl-orientation.pdf Sackers, N., Secomb, B. & Hulett, H. (2008). How well do you know your clients?: International students' preferences for learning about library services. Australian Academic & Research Libraries, 39(1), Shaffer, C., Vardaman, L. & Miller, D. (2010). Library usage trends and needs of international students. Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian, 29 (2), doi: / University of Maryland Libraries. (2010). International Student Orientations. Retrieved from