Polio By: Hannah Jabusch 3/6/12 Honors Psychology/ 3rd Period
Name of Disease Common name: Polio Scientific name: poliomyelitis Polio is a viral disease that can affect nerves and can lead to partial or full paralysis
Cause/Transmission Polio is a disease caused by infection with the polio virus. Spreads by: Contact with infected mucus of phlegm from the nose or mouth Contact with contaminated food and water
Target Population very young, pregnant women those with immune systems that are substantially weakened by other medical conditions Anyone who has not been immunized against polio Polio still exists in Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan
CNS/PNS Incubation time is 7-14 days spreads from the intestines, through the blood, to the nervous system, where it can destroy nerve cells in the spinal cord and the base of the brain
Symptoms General discomfort or uneasiness Headache Red throat Slight fever Sore throat Vomiting Progress to: loss of muscle reflexes severe muscle pain and spasms loose or floppy limbs that is often worse on one side of the body
Prognosis Most of the time, complete recovery is likely if the spinal cord and brain are not involved Brain or spinal cord involvement is a medical emergency that may result in paralysis or death Disability is more common than death
Cure There is no cure once someone gets the disease One treatment for lung paralysis due to polio was to place the patient into an iron lung - a device that would push and pull chest muscles to make them work
Vaccine You can get a vaccine to prevent obtaining the disease Two types: Inactivated polio virus (IPV)- consists of a series of injections beginning two months after birth and continuing until a child is 4 to 6 years old Oral polio vaccine (OPV)-created from a weakened form of poliovirus, and it is the vaccine of choice in many countries
NOTABLE CASE Dr. Jonas Salk invented a vaccine against the disease Salk's vaccine was composed of "killed" polio virus, which retained the ability to immunize without running the risk of infecting the patient Vaccine is injected with a shot Dr. Albert Sabin invented the oral vaccine against polio He used a “live” polio virus which cause some people to contract the disease
Celebrities The most famous person in American history who has had polio is Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) in August 1921, while the Roosevelts were vacationing at Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada, Roosevelt contracted polio, which resulted in permanent paralysis from the waist down
Organizations The Polio Survivors Association was formed in 1975 as a non-profit corporation to promote the well being and improve the quality of life for these severely disabled polio survivors
Citations Polio; Infantile paralysis; Post-polio syndrome. (2012, August 15). Retrieved March 3, 2013, from PUbMed Health website: What Is Polio? What Causes Polio? (2009, June 26). Retrieved March 3, 2013, from Medical News Today website: php